Check IP or Domain reputation against several open-source Blacklists.
Option to create a Geolocation map file using coordinates derived from
Note: Use of VirusTotal option requires an API key. The service is free, however you must register for an account to aquire an API key.
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Check IP and Domain Reputation
usage: [-h] [-q Q] [--log] [--vt] [--fg | --mx FILE [FILE ...]]
Check IP or Domain Reputation
required arguments:
-q Q query ip address or domain
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--log log results to file
--vt check virustotal
--fg use freegeoip for geolocation
--mx FILE [FILE ...] geolocate multiple ip addresses or domains
freegeoip [] - free/opensource geolocation service
virustotal [] - online multi-antivirus scan engine
Use of the VirusTotal option requires an API key.
The service is "free" to use, however you must register
for an account to receive an API key.
git clone
cd check_rep
pip install -r requirements.txt