
We implement the Schnorr proof system in assembler via the Jasmin toolchain, and prove the security (proof-of-knowledge and zero-knowledge) and the absence of leakage through timing side-channels of that implementation in EasyCrypt.

Primary LanguageeC


  • make opam_pin installs EasyCrypt and Jasmin (versions specified in Makefile).
  • make update_downloads fetches dependendencies from Github repositories (versions specified in the Makefile).
    • BigNum library of Jasmin;
    • Zero-Knowledge library of EasyCrypt;
    • Jasmin's eclib for EasyCrypt.
  • make check_all runs the EasyCrypt proof-checker on the entire development (requires CVC4, Alt-Ergo, and Z3 SMT solvers).
  • make compile_and_run compiles and runs Schnorr protocol (Jasmin protocol implementation in src/schnorr_protocol.jazz; linked together by C-wrapper src/example/example.c).



  • schnorr_protocol.jazz implementation of Schnorr protocol in Jasmin.
  • constants.py Python script which given primes p and q generates parameters for Jasmin constants.jazz and proofs in EasyCrypt proof/schnorr_protocol/Constants.ec.
  • bn_generic.jazz basic operations on big-nums.
  • dbn_generic.jazz Same as bn_generic.jazz, but for words of 2*nlimbs size.
  • bn_generic_extra.jazz more advanced ops on big-nums
    • bn_addm modular addition;
    • bn_breduce Barrett's modular reduction;
    • bn_mulm modular multiplication;
    • bn_expm Montgomery ladder based modular exponentiation;
    • bn_rsample rejection sampling algorithm for uniform distributions.
    • random_bit implements {0,1} distribution.
  • schnorr_protocol.h C-interface of external calls for the Schnorr protocol entry points.
  • constants.py Python script which takes primes p and q and produces Jasmin encoding in src/constants.jazz and their validation in proof/Constants.ec.


  • example.c C-wrapper which links the Schnorr protocol procedures and handles dispatching of messages.
  • syscalls/ (random and pseudo-random) implementation of Jasmin's #randombytes system-call.


  • auxiliary_lemmas/

    • AuxLemmas.ec auxiliary lemmas.
    • SurjFromInj.ec derives surjectivity from injectivity of functions of finite set of same cardinality.
    • ArrayFiniteness.ec derives finiteness of ArrayN and WArrayN types.
  • big_num_ops/:

    • BigNum_proofs.ec proof of correctness for (simple) Jasmin procedures on big-nums.
    • BigNum_spec.ec parameters and (abstract + semi-abstract) specification of operations on big-nums.
    • BigNum_instances.ec instantiation of big-nums for a particular nlimbs.
    • W64xN_Finite.ec proofs that W64xN.R.t type is finite.
    • leakage_freeness/ proofs of CT of operations on big-nums.
  • montgomery_ladder/:

    • MontgomeryLadder_Abstract.eca correctness of abstract Montgomery ladder parameterized by a monoid.
    • MontgomeryLadder_Concrete.eca instance of Montgomery ladder for Jasmin's bn_expm function.
    • leakage_freeness/ proofs of CT of bn_expm.
  • modular_multiplication/

    • BarrettRedInt.ec derivation of correctness of Barrett reduction for reals and then integers.
    • BarrettReduction_Abstract.ec equivalence proof of abstract and (semi-abstract) specifications of Barrett reduction algorithms.
    • BarrettReduction_Concrete.ec correctness proof of Jasmin's bn_breduce implementation of Barrett reduction.
    • ModularMultiplication_Concrete.ec correctness for implementation of modular multiplication bn_mulm.
    • leakage_freeness/ proofs of CT of bn_breduce and bn_mulm.
  • rejection_sampling/

    • RejectionSamplingModule.eca abstract rejection sampling algorithm in EasyCrypt.
    • RejectionSamplingProperties.eca main properties of abstract EasyCrypt's rejection sampling algorithm.
    • UniformSampling_Concrete.ec proof that Jasmin's function bn_rsample implements rejection sampling is correctly.
    • leakage_freeness/ proofs of LF of bn_rsample.
  • jasmin_extracts/ folder which contains EasyCrypt code automatically extracted by Jasmin compiler.

  • eclib/ Jasmin's library for EasyCrypt.

  • definition_analysis/ analysis of constant-time and leakage-freeness definitions (see the paper).

  • schnorr_protocol/

    • Abstract_SchnorrProtocol.ec formalization of Schnorr protocol at the "high-level" of abstraction (elements are group elements, exponents are fintie field elements).
    • Zp_SchnorrProtocol.eca formalization of Schnorr protocol at the "middle-level" of abstraction (elements are finite field elements, exponents are integers).
    • Zp_Abstract_SchnorrCorrespondance.eca proofs of equivalences between Schnorr procedures at "high-level" and "middle-level".
    • Zp_SchnorrCompleteness.eca completeness for "middle-level" Schnorr.
    • Zp_SchnorrExtractability.eca extractability for "middle-level" Schnorr.
    • Zp_SchnorrZK.eca zero-knowledge for "middle-level" Schnorr.
    • W64_SchnorrProtocol.ec basic definitions associated with "low-level" (Jasmin extract) implementation of Schnorr protocol.
    • W64_Zp_SchnorrCorrespondance.eca proofs of equivalences between Schnorr procedures at "middle-level" and "low-level".
    • W64_SchnorrCompleteness.eca completeness for "low-level" Schnorr.
    • W64_SchnorrExtractability.eca extractability for "low-level" Schnorr.
    • W64_SchnorrZK.eca zero-knowledge for "low-level" Schnorr.
    • W64_SchnorrInstance.ec instantiation of Schnorr protocol and all its properties for particular choice of constants from Constants.ec.
    • Constants.ec automatically generated file by src/constants.py file which contains Schnorr protocol parameters p (group order),q (exponent order), bp (Barrett factor for p), bq (Barrett factor for q), and g (generator of subgroup of prime order q). Also contains automatically generated proofs that Jasmin functions bn_set_p, bn_set_q, etc. correctly encode the respective values.
    • ConstantsValidation.ec proofs (based on tacticals) that parameters in Constants.ec are valid (e.g., g is a generator of subgoup of order q, bp is a Barrett parameter for p, etc.).
    • W64_SchnorrInstance.ec instance of the Schnorr protocol cloned with parameters from Constants.ec.
    • leakage_freeness/ proofs that Jasmin implementation of verify, challenge and response are constant time; challenge is leakage-free.
    • ZModPStar.eca abstract definition of Zp* through Subtype theory.
  • easycrypt-zk-code/ contains formalization of zero-knowledge proofs from "D. Firsov, D. Unruh. Zero-Knowledge in EasyCrypt".