
various simple bash scripts

Primary LanguageShell


  • ocp-checkout: Copy branch path (eg., aireilly:xref-script) from github UI and checkout that branch directly from anywhere.
  • ocp-checkout-other: Copy PR URL, and checkout that PR
  • show-xrefs: Copy a module and assembly path, calculate the available xref(s) with resolved context and title.
  • ff: Simple grep utility that presents search returns as clickable files in the cmd window.

To use show-xrefs script, add the following line to ~/.gitconfig:

    name = <repo-path>

Replace <repo-path> with (for example): /home/aireilly/openshift-docs.

$ show-xrefs modules/oadp-checking-api-group-versions.adoc

generated the following xref(s)...

xref:../backup_and_restore/application_backup_and_restore/oadp-advanced-topics.adoc/backup_and_restore/application_backup_and_restore/oadp-advanced-topics.adoc#oadp-checking-api-group-versions_oadp-advanced-topics[Listing the Kubernetes API group versions on a cluster]