JavaScript library used to collect and generate reports on historical transactions across multiple EVM chains for Defi Kingdoms.
This library serves as a package that can be used to collect transaction histories of users and contracts, and generate a report in various formats. The bounty for this project provides more detailed information about its uses.
Install the package into your project
npm install --save @dfk-tools/transaction-history-report-generator
import { Generator } from '@dfk-tools/transaction-history-report-generator';
// Create a new instance of the report generator with default settings
const generator = new Generator();
// Generate a report for a player for all time, including all DFK interactions
const playerReport = await'[PLAYER ADDRESS]');
// Generate a report for a player, including transactions starting after a certain date
const startDate = new Date('2021-12-13');
const contractSince2021Dec13Report = await'[PLAYER ADDRESS]', {
start: startDate
// Generate a report for a player for all time, including only hero purchase transactions
const playerHeroPurchasesReport = await'[PLAYER ADDRESS]', {
contract: contracts.Hero
import { resolve } from 'path';
// ...
// Save a report to a path with default options
const savePath = resolve(__dirname, './reports');
await report.exportAsCsv(savePath);
// ...
const transactions = report.transactions;