
Rust support for the Teensy 4

Primary LanguageRustApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


A collection of crates that support the development of Rust applications and libraries for the Teensy 4.

Status: prototype.

We can

  • blink the LED
  • statically register exceptions
  • statically register interrupts
  • log over USB
  • read serial data over USB
  • measure intervals with periodic interrupt timers
  • talk to I2C slave devices
  • control PWM outputs (single pin)
  • accept serial (UART) data (although the hardware receiver buffer is small)
  • transmit serial (UART) data
  • send and receive data over SPI peripherals

We've measured a few things things, like I2C, UART, SPI, and timer timings. No one has built a fully-fledged application with these crates, yet...

Build Status


  • A Rust installation. We use the latest, stable Rust compiler. Minimum-Supported Rust Version (MSRV) is 1.40. Recommended installation via rustup.
  • The thumbv7-none-eabihf Rust target, which may be installed via rustup:
$ rustup target add thumbv7em-none-eabihf
  • The GNU ARM Embedded Toolchain for compiling the C sources we need to bootstrap startup (in imxrt1062-rt) and the USB stack in the BSP. Specifically, we need the C compiler and archiver available on our path to build the runtime crate. For deploying to a Teensy 4 using the command-line loader, we'll also need arm-none-eabi-objcopy (ARM binutils).

  • Optionally, a build of teensy_loader_cli available on our path. We have a script to rapidly test example programs in the teensy4-examples, and it makes use of teensy_loader_cli. To load applications onto the Teensy 4, we may also use the Teensy Loader Application, which is also available with the Teensyduino add-ons.

Getting started

The best way to test your setup is to use the hardware-test.sh script (hardware-test.bat for Windows) to compile one of the examples. With a Teensy 4 connected to your system, build and load an example:

./hardware-test.sh led

If all goes well, the led example should turn on the Teensy 4's LED.

Use our cargo-generate template, teensy4-rs-template, to bootstrap your own teensy4-rs project based on these libraries:

cargo install cargo-generate
cargo generate --git https://github.com/mciantyre/teensy4-rs-template --name hello-world

The cargo-generate template is great for quickly starting a project. But, if you'd like to manually set up a project, check out the getting started guide here.

As of this writing:

  • all of imxrt1062-pac, imxrt1062-rt, and teensy4-fcb crates are necessary to successfully link a Teensy 4 Rust application. This requirement should be lifted in the future. See the discussion in the project structure section (below).
  • not all of the crates are published to crates.io, so we must either clone the repo and reference them locally, or reference the two crates via the git repository.

These crates are guaranteed to build when targeting thumbv7em-none-eabihf; we do not support any other targets.

To build the project in a Docker container, use our custom Docker image, available in the docker directory:

$ cd docker
$ docker build -t rust_teensy . 

Then, run the Docker image to build examples. In the snippet below, we build the led example:

$ docker run -it --rm -v $PWD:/build rust_teensy led

Project Structure

The project has a model similar to other embedded Rust projects: we have a runtime crate, a peripheral access crate (PAC), and a board support package (BSP) for the Teensy 4. We also have a few crates that are unique to our system. The list below describes the project layout:

  • imxrt1062-fcb-gen: a Rust crate used in other crates' build scripts. It provides an API for generating a Firmware Configuration Block (FCB), a memory region required to boot iMXRT106x processors. Other crates may use this crate to define custom FCBs for their iMXRT106x-based systems.
  • imxrt1062-hal: a hardware abstraction layer (HAL) for the iMXRT106x. It provides implementations of the embedded-hal traits for the processor's peripherals.
  • imxrt1062-pac: a collection of Peripheral Access Crates (PAC), providing read / write APIs for processor registers. The crates are generated from svd2rust, with some custom tooling to generate a unique crate for each peripheral. See the "Peripheral access crates" notes to learn how this PAC might be different from other PACs.
  • imxrt1062-rt: an API-compatible fork of the cortex-m-rt crate that describes the system's memory layout, startup sequence, and interrupt table. The runtime crate let's a user write a normal main() function. See the "Runtime" notes to learn why this is a fork of the cortex-m-rt crate.
  • teensy4-bsp: a board support package (BSP) for the Teensy 4. The BSP provides access to the Teensy 4's pins and peripherals. It also provides an implementation of the log crate, allowing users to log messages over USB. If you would like to develop Rust applications for the Teensy 4, start here.
  • teensy4-examples: a collection of examples which run out-of-the-box on the Teensy 4. Take a look at the examples if you're interested in using these crates.
  • teensy4-fcb: an FCB specific to the Teensy 4. It auto-generates the FCB using the imxrt1062-fcb-gen crate.
  • tools: small Rust binaries intended to run on your development host. tools provides a Rust binary that will help import PAC crates. See the "Peripheral access crates" notes (below) for more information.

Although we strive for compatibility with existing crates and frameworks, we've introduced some custom modules in order to operate with the Teensy 4.0. We describe these differences below.


An embedded Rust developer might use the cortex-m-rt to bootstrap a Cortex-M system. However, #164 notes that the cortex-m-rt crate cannot yet support devices with custom memory layouts. The iMXRT106x is one of the systems with a custom memory layout; in particular, we have tightly-coupled memory (TCM) regions for instructions (ITCM) and data (DTCM). We also need to place special arrays (the FCB) in memory in order to properly boot. Given these requirements, we need a custom runtime crate that can initialize the system.

The imxrt1062-rt crate is a fork of the cortex-m-rt crate that is customized to support a minimal iMXRT1062 startup and runtime. Like the cortex-m-rt crate, the imxrt1062-rt crate

  • populates the vector table for correct booting and exception / interrupt dispatch
  • initializes static variables
  • enables the FPU (since we're a thumbv7em-none-eabihf device)

The imxrt1062-rt crate goes a step further in its startup functionality:

  • provides the required firmware configuration block (FCB) placement and image vector table (IVT) in order to start the iMXRT106x
  • initialize the TCM memory regions
  • configures instruction and data caches based on the TCM regions

Just as the cortex-m-rt crate will call a user's main() function, the imxrt1062-rt completes by calling a user's main(). The imxrt1062-rt crate also exposes the #[interrupt], #[exception], and #[entry] macros for decorating interrupt handlers, exception handlers, and the program entrypoint, respectively. Note that, as of this writing, #[pre_init] is not supported.

To support compatibility with the cortex-m-rt crate, the imxrt1062-rt crate uses the same link sections as the cortex-m-rt crate. However, the imxrt1062-rt crate may locate memory in different regions. Specifically, all instructions are placed into ITCM, and all data is placed into DTCM.

It is our hope that the imxrt1062-rt crate can be transparently replaced with the cortext-m-rt crate once the necessary features are available. If you think that the imxrt1062-rt crate is be diverging from the cortex-m-rt crate and might miss that goal, please file an issue!

Peripheral access crates

An embedded Rust developer might use svd2rust to auto-generate the peripheral access crate (PAC) for the iMXRT106x. The iMXRT106x SVD is readily available online, and svd2rust is able to create the PAC without too many issues. However, as mpasternacki noted, the output PAC from svd2rust is extremely large, and it takes an inordinate amount of time to compile. One bottleneck is that the PAC mega-crate cannot be compiled in parallel, since the Rust compiler treats each crate as a translation unit. In order to compile the iMXRT106x peripheral modules in parallel, the peripherals would have to be broken apart into separate, indepdent crates.

Rather than using the output of svd2rust as the single PAC, we expose each peripheral as its own crate under imxrt1062-pac. The API is the same as one might find with any PAC generated via svd2rust, so there's no additional learning curve to understand the peripheral APIs. In fact, anyone who is currently using a monolithic iMXRT106x PAC should be able to adopt the imxrt1062-pac without issue.

The approach has some limitations: each peripheral crate ends up having its own copy of the types described in generic.rs. It also requires that we've generated the original PAC via svd2rust, although this process is documented and automated in the svd directory. Finally, and most importantly, the approach has not yet shown to scale in practice. Let us know if you have alternative approaches!

The imxrt1062-core PAC subcrate defines the interrupt table and interrupt handlers, which is why it's necessary to use it with the imxrt1062-rt crate. As mentioned earlier, this requirement should be lifted in the future.


We welcome support! There are known issues that anyone can address in the issues tracker. And, the best way to contribute is to start using the crates to develop applications for the Teensy 4. Submit an issue to help us identify bugs, feature requests, or documentation gaps.


When will this be on crates.io?

After we evaluate whether or not this is a good or bad approach to developing Rust applications for the Teensy 4, we will either release these crates to crates.io, or recommend an alternative solution.

Acknowledgements and References

  • The Teensy 4 is wonderful, and that's thanks to the hard work of PJRC and friends. We can find the Teensy code used in the Arduino plugins here. The code greatly influenced this library.
  • I'm not the only developer tackling the "Rust on Teensy 4" challenge. Check out mpasternacki's work here as an alternative approach towards the same problem.
  • The Rust Cortex M team, specifically the cortex-m-rt crate.


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