- 0
Please update the documentation and release notes
#782 opened by ddenev - 2
Bug in example demo
#684 opened by Vishnuxx - 6
Bug: none of the DFlex events are dispatched
#739 opened by ddenev - 0
- 2
npm install fails
#733 opened by ddenev - 2
Add Vue playground for Drag & Drop playground
#36 opened by jalal246 - 4
Defining drop zone
#71 opened by sibbng - 12
Cannot destructure property 'translate' of 'this.draggedElm' as it is undefined
#729 opened by ddenev - 16
After dragging is done, translate3d property still exists in dragged element's style attribute
#604 opened by xdivby0 - 25
Error when trying to add new DnDComponent while running: Uncaught TypeError: h2 is undefined
#605 opened by xdivby0 - 6
playground issues
#597 opened by davekaro - 1
Animation demo
#580 opened by knpwrs - 1
Drag and scrolling doesn't work
#577 opened by X-Ryl669 - 1
- 2
v3.6.0 Draggable throws Error `can't access property "x", translate is undefined`
#567 opened by thomasaull - 1
Feature: drag item and scroll
#280 opened by JayShoe - 1
Create draggable example for Svelte
#155 opened by jalal246 - 1
Dark mode breaks text contrast on certain areas
#171 opened by jerehut - 0
- 0
bug when dragged is leaving from the end and returning back to the list container
#112 opened by jalal246 - 9
Add Vue template for DnD
#69 opened by jalal246 - 0
Unable to stimulate DnD in puppeteer
#76 opened by jalal246 - 1
Bug when draggable moves up to down
#61 opened by jalal246 - 0
Test working of isDraggedOut
#51 opened by jalal246 - 0
Change name of `end` to `endDragging'
#53 opened by jalal246 - 0
Fix current offset (top/left)
#54 opened by jalal246 - 0
Add new test for DnD/Base drafts
#47 opened by jalal246 - 0
Update readme in dflex/draggable to include test
#49 opened by jalal246 - 0
jsdom `getBoundingClientRect()` always returns 0
#50 opened by jalal246 - 0
Unable to import default from dom-gen
#6 opened by jalal246 - 0