dflook/acm-certificate/aws Terraform Module
This module creates an ACM issued DNS validated certificate. It supports automatically creating the required validation records where the zone is hosted by Route53.
The validation submodule can be used with this resource to create the validation records in a Route53 Hosted Zone in another AWS account.
This module can also be used to create certificates that include names that can't have their validation records automatically created.
Input variables
- Type: map(string)
- Required
The names to include in the issued certificate, and their Route53 hosted zones to create the validation records.
The input is a map where the keys are the names to include in the certificate. The value for each key is the Hosted Zone id to create the validation record.
If the value for a key is null
, the validation record is not created.
- Type: string
- Optional
The name to use as the Common Name of the issued certificate. If specified, this must be present in the names
map. If not specified, one of the names in the names
map is used.
This makes some cosmetic difference to how the certificate is presented in some clients/browsers. All names
are included in the certificate as Subject Alternative Names.
Validating certificates based on the common name has been deprecated for a long time.
- Type: map(string)
- Optional
Tags to add to the certificate resource.
- Type: bool
- Optional, Default: true
When true, wait until the certificate is validated before the arn
output is available.
This can be set to false if some of the names in the certificate can't have their validation records automatically added by terraform.
- Type: string
The ARN of the certificate. When wait_for_validation
is true, the certificate will have been issued.
When wait_for_validation
is false, the certificate may not have been issued yet.
- Type: string
The Common Name (CN) of the certificate.
- Type:
The underlying aws_acm_certificate resource.
This should be passed to the validation
submodule if needed to create validation records using a different AWS provider, such as when using a Route53 zone in another account.
The domain_validation_options
attribute could also be used to create validation records in other DNS providers.
See the full examples for more.
A single name
This example creates a certificate for a single name. The Hosted Zone id is provided, so the certificate is automatically validated and issued.
The arn
output is available once the certificate is ready to use.
module "certificate" {
source = "dflook/acm-certificate/aws"
version = "1.0.0"
names = {
"hello.example.com" : data.aws_route53_zone.example_com.zone_id
Certificate with names from multiple Hosted Zones
This creates a certificate that includes the names:
- a wildcard for subdomains of
, which is a separate Hosted Zone in the same account
This also explicitly sets which of the names should be the Common Name of the certificate.
module "certificate" {
source = "dflook/acm-certificate/aws"
version = "1.0.0"
common_name = "hello.example.org"
names = {
"example.com" : data.aws_route53_zone.example_com.zone_id
"*.example.com" : data.aws_route53_zone.example_com.zone_id
"hello.example.org" : data.aws_route53_zone.example_org.zone_id
Certificate with names from multiple Hosted Zones in multiple AWS accounts
This creates a certificate that includes a name that belongs to a Hosted Zone in another AWS account.
The additional name must be in the names
input variable with the zone id set to null
, which prevents the module from trying to create the validation record itself.
You can use the validation submodule to create the validation records in the other account by passing in an aws provider configured for the correct account.
module "my_cert" {
source = "dflook/acm-certificate/aws"
version = "1.0.0"
common_name = "example.org"
names = {
"example.com" : data.aws_route53_zone.example_com.zone_id
"example.org" : null
module "certificate_validate_second_zone" {
source = "dflook/acm-certificate/aws//modules/validation"
version = "1.0.0"
providers = {
aws = aws.account-2
certificate = module.my_cert.certificate
names = {
"example.org" : data.aws_route53_zone.example_org.zone_id
Certificate that is not validated
This creates a certificate that can't yet be validated and issued. Perhaps the DNS zone is managed manually and not using terraform.
The validation record is created in the provided Hosted Zone but we can't create the validation record for the second zone.
By setting wait_for_validation
to false
, terraform finished as soon as the certificate is created (but not yet validated or issued).
The domain_validation_options
output shows the validation records that need to be created.
Soon after the validation records have been created for the second zone, the certificate will be validated and ready to use.
module "my_cert" {
source = "dflook/acm-certificate/aws"
version = "1.0.0"
wait_for_validation = false
names = {
"example.com" : data.aws_route53_zone.example_com.zone_id
"example.org" : null
output "domain_validation_options" {
value = module.my_cert.certificate.domain_validation_options