EML Vagrant Provisioner

##How to install With VirtualBox, Vagrant, and Command-Line Tools (needed for git on OS X) already installed:

git clone https://github.com/emltech/eml-archivematica-vagrant.git
cd eml-archivematica-vagrant/
mkdir archivematica_data/ 
vagrant up

##What it does Vagrantfile does the following things:

  • Imports hashicorp/precise32 (Ubuntu 12.04 server) basebox
  • Opens VM ports for Dashboard and Storage Service
    Dashboard: Host port: 8080 => Guest port: 80
    Storage Service: Host port: 8000 => Guest port: 8000
  • Makes a synced directory for easy ingests
    Host: archivematica_data Guest: /home/vagrant/archivematica_data
  • Calls provisioner which follows Archivematica 1.3 install instructions. Configured to avoid user input.

To Do:

  • debconf-set-selections configuration file - from synced folder?
  • don't install python-software-properties, just append PPAs to /etc/apt/sources