ruby 3.2.2
rails 7.1.2
After Rails App is created, it is possible that it will generate an error. To fix the problem:
Under the project folder & the specific gemset (rvm) open the terminal and run:
gem install pg -v 'X.X.X' -- --with-pg-config='/Applications/'
Replace X.X.X for the specific version that the pg gem is requiring, for example 1.2.3
Make sure the folder points to where you have installed PG (postgreSQL)
After pg was successfully installed, run again
bundle install
Real-time compilation gem. Follow these steps in development environment:
Install Gem
gem install foreman
Create in the app root folder
# web: bundle exec puma -C config/puma.rb webpacker: ./bin/webpack-dev-server
Start Foreman
foreman start -f
Comment out the following gem
Or add to the url
?pp=disable ?pp=enable
The first time run
run rake db:create
Run migrations
run rake db:migrate
To start an HTTP tunnel forwarding to your local port 3000, run this command from the folder where ngrok is located:
./ngrok http 3000
Web interface
In the browser, go to:
Create rake task file under lib/tasks
File must end with .task
Follow this structure to write a rake task
# ./lib/tasks/example.rake desc "Print something five times." task :something do 5.times {puts "something"} end
To run a rake task from the console
>> rake "task name"
Deploy to Heroku via Git
DB Migrations
heroku run rake db:migrate --app beyond-colombia-v3-staging heroku run rake db:migrate --app beyond-colombia-v3-prod
System dependencies
How to run the test suite
Services (job queues, cache servers, search engines, etc.)
This README would normally document whatever steps are necessary to get the application up and running.
Things you may want to cover:
Ruby version
System dependencies
Database creation
Database initialization
How to run the test suite
Services (job queues, cache servers, search engines, etc.)
Deployment instructions