
template repo for your personal files

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personal files
Howto install

clone this repo to your system and copy all personal files from your HOME to the skel dir

If you have GPG key then copy them to the tmp dir and
the installer will automatically install them ensure a .gpg
ending for public and for your private keys add a .sec ending

Change all instances of casjay-dotfiles/personal with your repo name
Create a private repo and then create a private token replace all instances
of AUTH_TOKEN_HERE with the private token you have Quick way is find to run the followng commands
the MY_GIT_REPO_URL does not include the https:// ( IE: github.com/MyUserName/personal )

git clone https://github.com/dfmgr/personal "$HOME/.local/dotfiles/personal"
for i in $(find "$HOME/.local/dotfiles/personal/etc" -name "*.sample"); do mv -fv "$i" "${i%.sample}" ; done
"$HOME/.local/dotfiles/personal/etc" -type f -exec sed -i "s#GITHUBAUTH_TOKEN_HERE#TokenYouCreated#g" {} \; >/dev/null 2>&1
"$HOME/.local/dotfiles/personal/etc" -type f -exec sed -i "s#MY_GIT_REPO_URL#YourGitRepoG#g" {} \; >/dev/null 2>&1

Modify install.sh and edit this README to your liking
then push this to your git repo

All Unix and Linux

Automated Install

bash -c "$(curl -LsS -H 'Authorization: token GITHUBAUTH_TOKEN_HERE' https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dfmgr/personal/master/install.sh)"

To exclude minimal dotfiles

MIN=no bash -c "$(curl -LsS -H 'Authorization: token GITHUBAUTH_TOKEN_HERE' https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dfmgr/personal/master/install.sh)"


UPDATE=yes bash -c "$(curl -LsS -H 'Authorization: token GITHUBAUTH_TOKEN_HERE' https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dfmgr/personal/master/install.sh)"

Windows install

git clone -q https://$GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN:x-oauth-basic@github.com/dfmgr/personal.git /tmp/dotfiles
cp -Rfva /tmp/dotfiles/etc/skel/. ~/
gpg --import /tmp/dotfiles/tmp/*.gpg
rm -Rf /tmp/dotfiles