
a simple project to never ending issue, launching a new dev environment. Great for moving jobs, getting a new dev laptop, on-boarding etc. assumptions are a Debian based OS however wouldn't be too hard to reconfigure for other distros.

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

How to Run

Before Hand

  • create a inventory file, with the hosts and IPs
  • generate a new ssh and install this on any boxes you wish to provision
  • create a admin user on each box called 'superman'
  • on each box ensure OpenSSL server and python are preinstalled. (without there will be no connection or abiltiy to run the ansible modules.)
  • in the vault-password-file.txt file, enter the password for the superman user.
  • create a vault password file with the encrpyted values ( see Ansible Vault Documentation ) ansible-vault encrypt_string

Run Against Vagrant

  vagrant up

Run aganist a real box

Create a vault password file

So to secure the inventory file, we need to create a salt key.

echo "MyPassword" > $(project_dir)/vault-password-file.txt 

Create inventory file

          ansible_host: <IP or Domain>
          ansible_user: superman
          ansible_become_pass: <superman password>
          ansible_ssh_pass:    <superman password>

save the file.

For security encrypt the file with ansible vault

ansible-vault encrypt ./provision/inventory.yml --vault-password-file=vault-password-file.txt 

Now we need to edit the ubuntuDevMachine.yml. So to customise the build, we need to specify the developers account name and password. change the following lines:

   system_user: danfoulkes
   system_password: "$6$AXe355Juu21$zLqAAHyhL41xQhGCa4XRHDUPhl5NabKaygeAe0NCIWY9ypfjsd7AC/hdVD6HRATcUzBEJhU/5NZmuJTX1glE1."

IMPORTANT !!!! the encryption used for the password was not the one used by vault, instead you can generate this hash with the folllowing command: for altantive options see: how do i generate crypted passwords for the user module documentation.

For copy and pasting, this worked for me:

ansible all -i localhost, -m debug -a "msg={{ 'mypassword' | password_hash('sha512', 'mysecretsalt') }}"
  ansible-playbook --inventory-file=inventory.yml -u superman -k ubuntuDevMachine.yml --key-file=dan_dev_box_rsa --vault-password-file=../vault-password-file.txt --ask-pass