
open ldap ansible play book

I took exising playbook from Benno Joy , Updated to work on Centos 7 and Ansible 2.4.1


This roles installs the OpenLDAP server on the target machine. It has the option to enable/disable SSL by setting it in defaults or overriding it.


This role requires Ansible 2.4.1 or higher, and platform requirements are listed in the metadata file.

Role Variables

The variables that can be passed to this role and a brief description about them are as follows:

openldap_serverdomain_name: example.com    # The domain prefix for ldap
openldap_serverrootpw: passme              # This is the password for admin for openldap
openldap_serverenable_ssl: true            # To enable/disable ssl for the ldap
openldap_servercountry: US                 # The self signed ssl certificate parameters
openldap_serverstate: Oregon
openldap_serverlocation: Portland
openldap_serverorganization: IT


  1. Configure an OpenLDAP server without SSL:

    • hosts: all sudo: true roles:
      • role: bennojoy.openldap_server openldap_server_domain_name: example.com openldap_server_rootpw: passme openldap_server_enable_ssl: false
  2. Configure an OpenLDAP server with SSL:

    • hosts: all sudo: true roles:
      • role: bennojoy.openldap_server openldap_server_domain_name: example.com openldap_server_rootpw: passme openldap_server_enable_ssl: true openldap_server_country: US openldap_server_state: Oregon openldap_server_location: Portland openldap_server_organization: IT