
PM2 Remote Logging to Loggly

Primary LanguageJavaScript


PM2 Remote Logging to Loggly



pm2 install pm2-loggly


Default Configuration

You can see this inside of package.json.

"config": {
  "logglyClient": {
    "token": "your-token",
    "subdomain": "your-subdomain",
    "tags": "your-tag-1,your-tag-2"
  "pm2Apps": "your-app-1,your-app-2"
Explanation of Configuration Options
  • logglyClient.token: a token from https://your-subdomain.loggly.com/tokens
  • logglyClient.subdomain: your Loggly subdomain
  • logglyClient.tags: a comma-delimited list of global tags applied to all logs
  • pm2Apps: a comma-delimited list of apps allowed to log to Loggly (logs will be tagged with the app name as well)
Recommended Way of Setting the Configuration Options

In your terminal run each of these commands:

pm2 set pm2-loggly.logglyClient.token my-extra-long-token-from-loggly
pm2 set pm2-loggly.logglyClient.subdomain mylogglysubdomain
pm2 set pm2-loggly.logglyClient.tags tag1,tag2,tag3
pm2 set pm2-loggly.pm2Apps app1,app2,app3
Optional Way of Setting the Configuration Options
  1. Edit ~/.pm2/module_conf.json and add something like this inside the first {}:
"pm2-loggly": {
  "logglyClient": {
    "token": "my-extra-long-token-from-loggly",
    "subdomain": "mylogglysubdomain",
    "tags": "tag1,tag2,tag3"
  "pm2Apps": "app1,app2,app3"
  1. Edit pm2-loggly/package.json and replace the default configuration above with:
"config": {
  "logglyClient": {
    "token": "my-extra-long-token-from-loggly",
    "subdomain": "mylogglysubdomain",
    "tags": "tag1,tag2,tag3"
  "pm2Apps": "app1,app2,app3"