
Simple 2 app (html5 frontend and Java EE7 rest backend) with step by step guidance to secure with KeyCloak

Primary LanguageJava

Keycloak demo


The idea is to start of with the master branch to secure with Keycloak from scratch both applications (HTML5/EcmaScript6 frontend and REST api Java EE7 backend).

See the solution branch for the result.


Docker and docker-compose are being used and it is assumed that a Mac is being used :-)

Edit hosts file

For demo purposes the /etc/hosts file have to be changed in order to use descriptive names instead of localhost:       communities-api       communities

Build and run

  1. cd into the project folder if this is not yet the case
  2. make sure that all sh files have the correct permission by executing chmod -R 744 *.sh
  3. execute build.sh to create the docker images
  4. execute run.sh to run the docker containers


Open your browser at http://communities:2019 and java should be listed in the communities.

Next steps

The frontend should be protected with a login page and the Add community functionality (frontend + backend) should be protected with a canAdd permission.

See the solution branch for the result.