
Support Vimeo source for Video.js

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Now fully support VideoJS 4.3.0!

Video.js - Vimeo Source Support

Allows you to use Vimeo URL as source with Video.js.

How does it work?

Including the script vjs.vimeo.js will add the Vimeo as a tech. You just have to add it to your techOrder option.

Here is 2 examples:

  1. using loop

  2. using JavaScript events

    <script src="video.js"></script> <script src="vjs.vimeo.js"></script> <script> videojs('vid2', { "techOrder": ["vimeo"], "src": "https://vimeo.com/63186969" }).ready(function() { // You can use the video.js events even though we use the vimeo controls // As you can see here, we change the background to red when the video is paused and set it back when unpaused this.on('pause', function() { document.body.style.backgroundColor = 'red'; }); this.on('play', function() { document.body.style.backgroundColor = ''; }); // You can also change the video when you want // Here we cue a second video once the first is done this.one('ended', function() { this.src('http://vimeo.com/79380715'); this.play(); }); }); </script>

Additional Informations

We cannot hide the Vimeo controls bar, they do not allow it.


It will not run properly without a Web server.

##Special Thank You Thanks to John Hurliman for the original code on the old Video.js