[x] create new api app
[x] set settings for api
[x] generate models
[x] create migrations
[x] create seed info
[x] seed db
[x] test/query db
[x] generate controllers
[x] generate routes
[x] run server/access JSON info
api calls for authors and books
mkdir railsapi
rails new booktracker --api
- Could use rails new booktracker --database=postgresql --api , to immediately set up postgresql
In Gemfile uncomment gem "rack-cors"
In terminal in railsapi/booktracker folder: bundle install
In /config/intializers/cors.rb replace: origins: "" with single astrisk: "*"
Generate models in the Terminal
- rails g model Author name --no-testframework
- rails g model Book title year:integer author_id:integer genre --no-testframework
Create 2 migrations and 2 models in terminal with:
- rails db:create && rails db:migrate
In booktracker/db/seeds.rb create seed information
In terminal seed the database:
- rails seed:db
Test association by opening the rails console in the terminal:
- rails console
- book = Book.first
- book.title
Query the db (ex:)
rails db
FROM books
Generate Controllers: In terminal type
- rails g controller Books
- rails g controller Authors
In app/controllers/books_controller.rb store all Books into variable and render json
- def index
- books = Book.all
- render json: books
- end
- def index
Create index action route in config/routes.rb * resources :books, only: [:index]
create controller and route for author
Run the server:
- rails s
localhost:3000/books, localhost:3000/authors