
A angular truncation filter with custom ellipsis option

Primary LanguageJavaScript


An AngularJS truncation filter, that truncates text strings to a set number of characters with a custom ellipsis.

How to use my truncate filter

###Include the javascript min file within your HTML.

<script src="src/truncate.min.js"></script>

Inject truncate module into your application module

angular.module('App', ['truncate']);

Truncate filter takes 3 parameters:


Then apply truncation to an AngularJS expression.

{{ scopeVariable | truncation:10:true:"---" }}
ng-repeat="word in scopeVariable | truncate:5:true"

By default, a standard "..." will be used if a custom ellipsis is not passed.

 {{ scopeVariable | truncation:10 }}

Coming soon

  • Word truncation