
A Docker container to generate the files needed for distance matrix calculations

Primary LanguagePython

OTP Resource Downloader

This is a Docker container designed to generate the files necessary to calculate Census block or tract-level distance matrices using OpenTripPlanner. It uses counties as a unit of work, taking a county FIPS code as input and saving outputs to /resources/graphs/$GEOID/ inside the container (where $GEOID is the FIPS code of the county).


The container takes the following inputs as Docker environmental variables, all arguments are required:

  • GEOID (the five-digit, 2010 FIPS code for a U.S. county)
  • API_KEY (a transitfeeds.com API key for getting GTFS feeds)
  • BUFFER_SIZE_M (the size of the county buffer, in meters)

After being run, the container will download some intermediate files and save them to the /resources/inputs/ directory in the container. This directory can be mapped from the host or from a Docker volume to get persistent storage for the input files (so that they don't need to be downloaded every time). See submit_jobs_simple.sh for a typical use case, where both the input and output directories are mounted from the host.

Inputs files saved to /resources/inputs/ are structured in the following way (using GEOID=17031 as an example):

├── buffers
│   └── 17031.geojson (buffered boundary of the $GEOID county)
├── osm
│   ├── north-america-latest.osm.pbf (Geofabrik download of the North America OSM file)
│   ├── tag_extract_all.pbf (OSM file with all tags for highway, cycleway, sidewalk, and busway; used for TRANSIT and WALK modes)
│   └── tag_extract_car.pbf (OSM file with highway and only specific tags, see misc/osm_tags_car.txt for list; used for CAR mode)
└── shapefiles
    ├── blocks
    │   ├── tl_2010_17_tabblock10.dbf (TIGER block shapefile DBF containing lat/lon centroid)
    │   └── tabblock2010_17_pophu.dbf (TIGER block shapefile DBF containing block population estimate)
    └── counties
        └── tl_2010_us_county10.shp (TIGER county shapefile used to generate buffers)


Upon being run, the container generates the following outputs and saves them to /resources/graphs/$GEOID/:

  • GEOID-destinations-BLOCK.csv (block locations within the buffered county area)
  • GEOID-origins-BLOCK.csv (block locations only within the GEOID)
  • GEOID-destinations-TRACT.csv (tract locations within the buffered county area)
  • GEOID-origins-TRACT.csv (tract locations only within the GEOID)
  • osm/GEOID-car.pbf (a clipped OSM PBF of the buffered GEOID area with only car-passable OSM ways)
  • osm/GEOID-all.pbf (a clipped OSM PBF of the buffered GEOID area with all OSM ways)
  • transit_system_name.zip (multiple, all GTFS feed zips of systems that lie within the buffer area)

Output files are structured in the following way (using two GEOIDs as an example):

├── 06037
│   ├── 06037-destinations.csv 
│   ├── 06037-origins.csv
│   ├── osm
│   │   ├── 06037-all.pbf
│   │   └── 06037-car.pbf
│   └── la-transit.zip
└── 17031
    ├── 17031-destinations.csv
    ├── 17031-origins.csv
    ├── osm
    │   ├── 17031-all.pbf
    │   └── 17031-car.pbf 
    ├── chicago-transit-authority.zip
    ├── janesville-transit-system.zip
    ├── metra.zip
    ├── pace.zip
    └── waukesha-metro-transit.zip

Running Without Root

If you need to run this container but don't have the root privileges necessary to install Docker, try using udocker. There are only two changes required when using udocker:

  1. Alias docker to the udocker executable
  2. Manually create the directories that you plan to store resources in (udocker seems to have trouble creating new directories on the host)