Unifi G4 Doorbell chime

Control a chime from the Unifi G4 doorbell. A server receives the doorbell signal (G4 doorbell configured with a mechanical chime), then sends out an event on the network to which any configured chimes listen to and respond. The eventing mechanism is currently using UDP broadcast packets.

The project is divided into the Controller and Chime circuits and utilizes PlatformIO for platform and library management.


The controller and chime directories contain the projects for the controller and chimes. The ESP hostname is configured via the c++ preprocessor and requires it to be set. The Makefile needs the following variables:

  • ESP_HOSTNAME The hostname to be used on the ESP
  • ESP_NETWORKADDRESS The network address (can be IP address or network name), used for network upload only. Defaults to 'ESP_HOSTNAME.local'


ESP_HOSTNAME=xyx make compile


Connect the ESP to the USB port:

ESP_HOSTNAME=xyx make flash

Open serial console to the ESP

Connect the ESP to the USB port:

ESP_HOSTNAME=xyx make console

Upload via network

Make sure your computer is on the same subnet:

ESP_HOSTNAME=xyx make upload

or if you need to override the network address:



echo -n "ring" | socat - udp-datagram:,broadcast

set active:

curl -X POST http://doorbell-chime-hallway.local/chime/14


curl http://doorbell-chime-livingroom.local/chime