
Exploration/Hypothesis testing using SQLite3

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Setting Up

import scipy.stats as stats
import statsmodels.api as sms
import statsmodels.formula.api as smf
from statsmodels.stats.multicomp import pairwise_tukeyhsd
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import functions as fn
import sqlite3
import warnings
conn = sqlite3.Connection('Northwind_small.sqlite')
cur = sqlite3.Cursor(conn)


cur.execute('''SELECT name 
               FROM sqlite_master
               WHERE type='table';''')

df_table = pd.DataFrame(cur.fetchall(), columns=['Table'])

df_table # Verifying the images results
<style scoped> .dataframe tbody tr th:only-of-type { vertical-align: middle; }
.dataframe tbody tr th {
    vertical-align: top;

.dataframe thead th {
    text-align: right;
0 Employee
1 Category
2 Customer
3 Shipper
4 Supplier
5 Order
6 Product
7 OrderDetail
8 CustomerCustomerDemo
9 CustomerDemographic
10 Region
11 Territory
12 EmployeeTerritory

Q1: Does discount amount have a statistically significant effect on the quantity of a product in an order? If so, at what level(s) of discount?

  • $H_0$: Discount amount does not significantly effect the amount of products ordered.
  • $H_1$: Discounts do have a significant effect (positive or negative) on the amount of products ordered.

For this test, I will be using a two-tailed test.

Initial Query & Feature Engineering

cur.execute('''SELECT *
               FROM OrderDetail o;''')
df1 = pd.DataFrame(cur.fetchall()) 
df1.columns = [i[0] for i in cur.description]
<style scoped> .dataframe tbody tr th:only-of-type { vertical-align: middle; }
.dataframe tbody tr th {
    vertical-align: top;

.dataframe thead th {
    text-align: right;
Id OrderId ProductId UnitPrice Quantity Discount
0 10248/11 10248 11 14.0 12 0.0
1 10248/42 10248 42 9.8 10 0.0
2 10248/72 10248 72 34.8 5 0.0
3 10249/14 10249 14 18.6 9 0.0
4 10249/51 10249 51 42.4 40 0.0

Here I look to create a boolean column to indicated if a column has been discounted or not.

df1['Discounted'] = df1['Discount'] > 0
df1['Discounted'].sum() # How many discounted (True) orders are there? 
df1.head() # Quick check
<style scoped> .dataframe tbody tr th:only-of-type { vertical-align: middle; }
.dataframe tbody tr th {
    vertical-align: top;

.dataframe thead th {
    text-align: right;
Id OrderId ProductId UnitPrice Quantity Discount Discounted
0 10248/11 10248 11 14.0 12 0.0 False
1 10248/42 10248 42 9.8 10 0.0 False
2 10248/72 10248 72 34.8 5 0.0 False
3 10249/14 10249 14 18.6 9 0.0 False
4 10249/51 10249 51 42.4 40 0.0 False


Checking to see whether or not there is a visual difference between the two groups: Discounted (True) or Full Price (False)

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8,5))

sns.barplot(data=df1, x='Discounted', y='Quantity', ci=68, ax=ax)
plt.title('Avg. Quantity: Discounted vs Full Price');


In order to have a more flexible instance of my target data, I need to move the information from the DataFrame into a python dictionary.

quantVSdisc = {}
for item in df1['Discounted'].unique():
    quantVSdisc[item] = df1.groupby('Discounted').get_group(item)['Quantity']
print(len(quantVSdisc[False]), len(quantVSdisc[True])) 
# Confirming results transferred to dictionary
1317 838

It is clear, visually, that there may be a valid effect on the quantity purchased if the order is discounted. There are two groups of interest and thus I will be checking the assumptions for a 2 Sample T-test.

Testing Assumptions (2 Sample T-test)


fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8,5))

for key, val in quantVSdisc.items():
    if key == True:
        lab = 'Discounted'
        lab = 'Full Price'
    sns.distplot(val, label=key, ax=ax)

plt.title('Quantity: Discounted vs Full Price')

# Visual check for skew


Although skewed, the tails do not look very thick, will remove some outliers to try for better normality since I have a lot of data still.

for key, val in quantVSdisc.items():
    out_dict = fn.find_outliers_Z(val)
    print(f'There are {out_dict.sum()} {key} Z-outliers.')
    out_dict = fn.find_outliers_IQR(val)
    print(f'There are {out_dict.sum()} {key} IQR-outliers.')
There are 20 False Z-outliers.
There are 34 False IQR-outliers.
There are 15 True Z-outliers.
There are 29 True IQR-outliers.

Checking IQR method for posterity, although I intend to use the Z-score method to remain conservative with removal of data.

for key, val in quantVSdisc.items():
    out_dict = fn.find_outliers_Z(val)
    quantVSdisc[key] = val[~out_dict]
# Removing values outside of +/- 3 Z-scores from mean directly from dictionary
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8,5))

for key, val in quantVSdisc.items():
    if key == True:
        lab = 'Discounted'
        lab = 'Full Price'
    sns.distplot(val, label=lab, ax=ax)

plt.title('Quantity: Discounted vs Full Price sans Outliers')

# 2nd visual check (now without outliers)


The data looks a lot closer to standard normal. Now I can move forward to test normality.


for key, val in quantVSdisc.items():
    stat, p = stats.normaltest(val)
    if key == True:
        lab = 'Discounted'
        lab = 'Full Price'
    print(f'{lab} normal test p-value = {round(p,4)}')
    sig = 'is NOT' if p < .05 else 'IS'
    print(f'The data {sig} normal.')
Full Price normal test p-value = 0.0
The data is NOT normal.
Discounted normal test p-value = 0.0
The data is NOT normal.
print(len(quantVSdisc[False]), len(quantVSdisc[True]))
1297 823

The data is not normal in either sample. This means to move forward I need to have samples larger than 15 each (recommended). Since I have 1,297 Full Price and 823 Discounted I can do so.

Equal Variance?

In order for stats.levene() to properly accept my data, I need to unpack my dictionary into a list.

norm_list = []

for key, val in quantVSdisc.items():
stat, p = stats.levene(*norm_list)

print(f'Levene test p-value = {round(p,4)}')

sig = 'does NOT' if p < .05 else 'DOES'

print(f'The data {sig} have equal variance.')
Levene test p-value = 0.0
The data does NOT have equal variance.

Since the Levene test was failed, I must use the Welch's T-test function with the 'equal_var' parameter set to 'False' in order to determine whether or not I am dealing with two samples from different populations and test my hypothesis.

Hypothesis Test

stat, p = stats.ttest_ind(*norm_list, equal_var=False)

print(f"Welch's T-test p-value = {round(p,4)}")

sig = 'IS' if p < .05 else 'is NOT'

print(f'The data {sig} from different populations.')
Welch's T-test p-value = 0.0
The data IS from different populations.

The data does NOT have equal variance but IS from different populations. Given the information above, I can move forward with Rejecting the Null Hypothesis ($H_0$).

Post-Hoc Calculations

eff_size = fn.Cohen_d(quantVSdisc[True], quantVSdisc[False])


Given the standard interpretation of Cohen's D, our value falls between the 'small effect' category (0.2) and 'medium effect' category (0.5). Therefore we can say, although relatively small, discounts do have an effect on the quantity purchased.

model = pairwise_tukeyhsd(df1['Quantity'], df1['Discount'])
Multiple Comparison of Means - Tukey HSD,FWER=0.05
group1 group2 meandiff lower upper reject
0.0 0.01 -19.7153 -80.3306 40.9001 False
0.0 0.02 -19.7153 -62.593 23.1625 False
0.0 0.03 -20.0486 -55.0714 14.9742 False
0.0 0.04 -20.7153 -81.3306 39.9001 False
0.0 0.05 6.2955 1.5381 11.053 True
0.0 0.06 -19.7153 -80.3306 40.9001 False
0.0 0.1 3.5217 -1.3783 8.4217 False
0.0 0.15 6.6669 1.551 11.7828 True
0.0 0.2 5.3096 0.2508 10.3684 True
0.0 0.25 6.525 1.3647 11.6852 True
0.01 0.02 0.0 -74.2101 74.2101 False
0.01 0.03 -0.3333 -70.2993 69.6326 False
0.01 0.04 -1.0 -86.6905 84.6905 False
0.01 0.05 26.0108 -34.745 86.7667 False
0.01 0.06 0.0 -85.6905 85.6905 False
0.01 0.1 23.237 -37.5302 84.0042 False
0.01 0.15 26.3822 -34.4028 87.1671 False
0.01 0.2 25.0248 -35.7554 85.805 False
0.01 0.25 26.2403 -34.5485 87.029 False
0.02 0.03 -0.3333 -55.6463 54.9796 False
0.02 0.04 -1.0 -75.2101 73.2101 False
0.02 0.05 26.0108 -17.0654 69.087 False
0.02 0.06 0.0 -74.2101 74.2101 False
0.02 0.1 23.237 -19.8552 66.3292 False
0.02 0.15 26.3822 -16.7351 69.4994 False
0.02 0.2 25.0248 -18.0857 68.1354 False
0.02 0.25 26.2403 -16.8823 69.3628 False
0.03 0.04 -0.6667 -70.6326 69.2993 False
0.03 0.05 26.3441 -8.9214 61.6096 False
0.03 0.06 0.3333 -69.6326 70.2993 False
0.03 0.1 23.5703 -11.7147 58.8553 False
0.03 0.15 26.7155 -8.6001 62.0311 False
0.03 0.2 25.3582 -9.9492 60.6656 False
0.03 0.25 26.5736 -8.7485 61.8957 False
0.04 0.05 27.0108 -33.745 87.7667 False
0.04 0.06 1.0 -84.6905 86.6905 False
0.04 0.1 24.237 -36.5302 85.0042 False
0.04 0.15 27.3822 -33.4028 88.1671 False
0.04 0.2 26.0248 -34.7554 86.805 False
0.04 0.25 27.2403 -33.5485 88.029 False
0.05 0.06 -26.0108 -86.7667 34.745 False
0.05 0.1 -2.7738 -9.1822 3.6346 False
0.05 0.15 0.3714 -6.2036 6.9463 False
0.05 0.2 -0.986 -7.5166 5.5447 False
0.05 0.25 0.2294 -6.3801 6.839 False
0.06 0.1 23.237 -37.5302 84.0042 False
0.06 0.15 26.3822 -34.4028 87.1671 False
0.06 0.2 25.0248 -35.7554 85.805 False
0.06 0.25 26.2403 -34.5485 87.029 False
0.1 0.15 3.1452 -3.5337 9.824 False
0.1 0.2 1.7879 -4.8474 8.4231 False
0.1 0.25 3.0033 -3.7096 9.7161 False
0.15 0.2 -1.3573 -8.1536 5.4389 False
0.15 0.25 -0.1419 -7.014 6.7302 False
0.2 0.25 1.2154 -5.6143 8.0451 False

Given an alpha level of 0.05, I can reject the null hypothesis for the following discount levels:

  • 5%
  • 15%
  • 20%
  • 25%

Q1 Summary

After testing my hypothesis regarding quantity on discounted orders, I can say to stakeholders that discounting does in fact have, with 95% confidence, an effect on the quantity of any given order.

Additionally, I can say that the discount levels (in descending order) of 15%, 25%, 5%, 20% have the most significant effect on the avg. quantity of a given order.

Q2: Does discount amount have a statistically significant effect on the total amount spent in an order? If so, at what level(s) of discount?

  • $H_0$: Discount amount does not significantly effect the total amount of money spent.
  • $H_1$: Discounts do have a significant effect (positive or negative) on the total amount of money spent.

For this test, I will be using a two-tailed test.

Initial Query & Feature Engineering

I will do a very similar setup to the previous hypothesis for the quantity exploration.

cur.execute('''SELECT *
               FROM OrderDetail o;''')
df2 = pd.DataFrame(cur.fetchall()) 
df2.columns = [i[0] for i in cur.description]
<style scoped> .dataframe tbody tr th:only-of-type { vertical-align: middle; }
.dataframe tbody tr th {
    vertical-align: top;

.dataframe thead th {
    text-align: right;
Id OrderId ProductId UnitPrice Quantity Discount
0 10248/11 10248 11 14.0 12 0.0
1 10248/42 10248 42 9.8 10 0.0
2 10248/72 10248 72 34.8 5 0.0
3 10249/14 10249 14 18.6 9 0.0
4 10249/51 10249 51 42.4 40 0.0
df2['Discounted'] = df2['Discount'] > 0
# Creating boolean column for discount or full price
df2['TotalSpent'] = (df2['UnitPrice'] * (1-df2['Discount'])) * df2['Quantity']
# Creating a numerical column for total price spent per order (including discount)
df2.head() # Quick check
<style scoped> .dataframe tbody tr th:only-of-type { vertical-align: middle; }
.dataframe tbody tr th {
    vertical-align: top;

.dataframe thead th {
    text-align: right;
Id OrderId ProductId UnitPrice Quantity Discount Discounted TotalSpent
0 10248/11 10248 11 14.0 12 0.0 False 168.0
1 10248/42 10248 42 9.8 10 0.0 False 98.0
2 10248/72 10248 72 34.8 5 0.0 False 174.0
3 10249/14 10249 14 18.6 9 0.0 False 167.4
4 10249/51 10249 51 42.4 40 0.0 False 1696.0


# Visual check

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8,5))

sns.barplot(data=df2, x='Discounted', y='TotalSpent', ci=68, ax=ax)
plt.title('Avg. TotalSpent: Discounted vs Full Price');


Converting to a dictionary for flexibility (as before)

totspentVSdisc = {}
for item in df2['Discounted'].unique():
    totspentVSdisc[item] = df2.groupby('Discounted').get_group(item)['TotalSpent']
print(len(totspentVSdisc[False]), len(totspentVSdisc[True]))
# Verifying results
1317 838

There is, once again visually, a small difference in the average total spent per order. Not too hopeful of its significance, but it is still worth investigation. As with my first hypothesis, this will fall under a 2 Sample T-test.

Testing Assumptions (2 Sample T-test)


fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8,5))

for key, val in totspentVSdisc.items():
    if key == True:
        lab = 'Discounted'
        lab = 'Full Price'
    sns.distplot(val, label=key, ax=ax)

plt.title('Total Spent: Discounted vs Full Price')

# Visual check for skew


This is highly skewed to the right, although very thin.

for key, val in totspentVSdisc.items():
    out_dict = fn.find_outliers_Z(val)
    print(f'There are {out_dict.sum()} {key} Z-outliers.')
    out_dict = fn.find_outliers_IQR(val)
    print(f'There are {out_dict.sum()} {key} IQR-outliers.')
There are 19 False Z-outliers.
There are 101 False IQR-outliers.
There are 16 True Z-outliers.
There are 66 True IQR-outliers.

Despite there being a very long tail, I will for consistency stick with Z-scores in order to remain conservative.

for key, val in totspentVSdisc.items():
    out_dict = fn.find_outliers_Z(val)
    totspentVSdisc[key] = val[~out_dict]
# Removing values outside of +/- 3 Z-scores from mean directly from dictionary
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8,5))

for key, val in totspentVSdisc.items():
    if key == True:
        lab = 'Discounted'
        lab = 'Full Price'
    sns.distplot(val, label=lab, ax=ax)

plt.title('Total Spent: Discounted vs Full Price sans Outliers')

# 2nd visual check (now without outliers)


Although, if compared to the standard normal distribution, the data is still pretty skewed to the right. I will move forward with testing assumptions.


for key, val in totspentVSdisc.items():
    stat, p = stats.normaltest(val)
    if key == True:
        lab = 'Discounted'
        lab = 'Full Price'
    print(f'{lab} normal test p-value = {round(p,4)}')
    sig = 'is NOT' if p < .05 else 'IS'
    print(f'The data {sig} normal.')
Full Price normal test p-value = 0.0
The data is NOT normal.
Discounted normal test p-value = 0.0
The data is NOT normal.

No surprises here, this data is not normal.

print(len(totspentVSdisc[False]), len(totspentVSdisc[True]))
1298 822

Luckily, with Full Price group having 1,298 and Discounted having 822, I am able to ignore the need for normality and move on to check for equal variance.

Equal Variance?

# Same as before

norm_list2 = []

for key, val in totspentVSdisc.items():
stat, p = stats.levene(*norm_list2)

print(f'Levene test p-value = {round(p,4)}')

sig = 'does NOT' if p < .05 else 'DOES'

print(f'The data {sig} have equal variance.')
Levene test p-value = 0.4614
The data DOES have equal variance.

Since the data does pass all of the assumption tests, I can move forward with a normal 2 Sample T-test.

Hypothesis Test

stat, p = stats.ttest_ind(*norm_list2)

print(f"Welch's T-test p-value = {round(p,4)}")

sig = 'IS' if p < .05 else 'is NOT'

print(f'The data {sig} from different populations.')
Welch's T-test p-value = 0.2057
The data is NOT from different populations.

At this point, I have failed to reject the null hypothesis.

Post-Hoc Calculations

Although I have failed to reject the null, I want to investigate if at a given level, a discount does have a significant effect upon the total amount spent.

model2 = pairwise_tukeyhsd(df2['TotalSpent'], df2['Discount'])
Multiple Comparison of Means - Tukey HSD,FWER=0.05
group1 group2 meandiff lower upper reject
0.0 0.01 -540.3065 -3662.2549 2581.6418 False
0.0 0.02 -540.1165 -2748.5047 1668.2716 False
0.0 0.03 -529.703 -2333.5278 1274.1217 False
0.0 0.04 -492.2465 -3614.1949 2629.7018 False
0.0 0.05 227.9252 -17.1036 472.954 False
0.0 0.06 -506.0865 -3628.0349 2615.8618 False
0.0 0.1 -41.1098 -293.48 211.2604 False
0.0 0.15 -12.6424 -276.1341 250.8493 False
0.0 0.2 -16.0866 -276.6374 244.4641 False
0.0 0.25 72.4517 -193.3232 338.2266 False
0.01 0.02 0.19 -3821.9494 3822.3294 False
0.01 0.03 10.6035 -3592.9441 3614.1511 False
0.01 0.04 48.06 -4365.3664 4461.4864 False
0.01 0.05 768.2318 -2360.9551 3897.4187 False
0.01 0.06 34.22 -4379.2064 4447.6464 False
0.01 0.1 499.1968 -2630.5736 3628.9671 False
0.01 0.15 527.6642 -2603.0226 3658.3509 False
0.01 0.2 524.2199 -2606.2207 3654.6605 False
0.01 0.25 612.7582 -2518.1215 3743.638 False
0.02 0.03 10.4135 -2838.441 2859.268 False
0.02 0.04 47.87 -3774.2694 3870.0094 False
0.02 0.05 768.0418 -1450.5676 2986.6511 False
0.02 0.06 34.03 -3788.1094 3856.1694 False
0.02 0.1 499.0068 -1720.4254 2718.4389 False
0.02 0.15 527.4742 -1693.2501 2748.1984 False
0.02 0.2 524.0299 -1696.3473 2744.4071 False
0.02 0.25 612.5682 -1608.4281 2833.5645 False
0.03 0.04 37.4565 -3566.0911 3641.0041 False
0.03 0.05 757.6283 -1058.6958 2573.9523 False
0.03 0.06 23.6165 -3579.9311 3627.1641 False
0.03 0.1 488.5933 -1328.7357 2305.9222 False
0.03 0.15 517.0607 -1301.8461 2335.9674 False
0.03 0.2 513.6164 -1304.8666 2332.0994 False
0.03 0.25 602.1547 -1217.0842 2421.3936 False
0.04 0.05 720.1718 -2409.0151 3849.3587 False
0.04 0.06 -13.84 -4427.2664 4399.5864 False
0.04 0.1 451.1368 -2678.6336 3580.9071 False
0.04 0.15 479.6042 -2651.0826 3610.2909 False
0.04 0.2 476.1599 -2654.2807 3606.6005 False
0.04 0.25 564.6982 -2566.1815 3695.578 False
0.05 0.06 -734.0118 -3863.1987 2395.1751 False
0.05 0.1 -269.035 -599.0955 61.0255 False
0.05 0.15 -240.5676 -579.2076 98.0724 False
0.05 0.2 -244.0119 -580.3686 92.3449 False
0.05 0.25 -155.4735 -495.8931 184.946 False
0.06 0.1 464.9768 -2664.7936 3594.7471 False
0.06 0.15 493.4442 -2637.2426 3624.1309 False
0.06 0.2 489.9999 -2640.4407 3620.4405 False
0.06 0.25 578.5382 -2552.3415 3709.418 False
0.1 0.15 28.4674 -315.5219 372.4568 False
0.1 0.2 25.0231 -316.7187 366.765 False
0.1 0.25 113.5615 -232.1799 459.3029 False
0.15 0.2 -3.4443 -353.4794 346.5909 False
0.15 0.25 85.0941 -268.847 439.0351 False
0.2 0.25 88.5383 -263.2188 440.2954 False

Q2 Summary

After testing my hypothesis regarding the total amount spent on discounted orders, I can say to stakeholders that discounting does not have, with 95% confidence, an effect on the total amount spent on any given order.

Additionally, I can say that no matter the discount level, there is no significant effect on the avg. amount spent on a given order.

Q3: Does the region in which the products are sold have a significant effect on the quantity of a product in an order? If so, which region buys the most?

  • $H_0$: RegionID does not significantly effect the amount of products ordered.
  • $H_1$: RegionID does have a significant effect (positive or negative) on the amount of products ordered.

For this test, I will be using a two-tailed test.

Initial Query & Feature Engineering

cur.execute('''SELECT DISTINCT(o.OrderId), o.Quantity, r.Id, r.RegionDescription
               FROM OrderDetail o
               JOIN 'Order' ord
               ON o.OrderId = ord.Id
               JOIN Employee e
               ON ord.EmployeeId = e.Id
               JOIN EmployeeTerritory et
               JOIN Territory t
               ON et.TerritoryId = t.Id
               JOIN Region r
               ON r.Id = t.RegionId;''') 
df3 = pd.DataFrame(cur.fetchall()) 
df3.columns = [i[0] for i in cur.description]
<style scoped> .dataframe tbody tr th:only-of-type { vertical-align: middle; }
.dataframe tbody tr th {
    vertical-align: top;

.dataframe thead th {
    text-align: right;
OrderId Quantity Id RegionDescription
0 10248 12 1 Eastern
1 10248 10 1 Eastern
2 10248 5 1 Eastern
3 10249 9 2 Western
4 10249 40 2 Western

I ran into a duplication error due to (likely) the Order Id and Employee Id's being one-to-many during the joining process; coercing the OrderIds to be distinct should solve this.


Region Descriptors

  1. 'Eastern'
  2. 'Western'
  3. 'Northern'
  4. 'Southern'
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8,5))

sns.barplot(data=df3, x='RegionDescription', y='Quantity', ci=68, ax=ax)

plt.title('Avg. Quantity: By Region');


# Quick check of differences via swarmplot

#fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8,5))

sns.catplot(data=df3, x='RegionDescription', y='Quantity', kind='swarm', ci=68)

plt.title('Quantity: By Region');


quantVSreg = {}
for item in df3['RegionDescription'].unique():
    quantVSreg[item] = df3.groupby('RegionDescription').get_group(item)['Quantity']
for item in df3['RegionDescription'].unique():
    print(f'Number of instances in {item}: {len(quantVSreg[item])}')
Number of instances in Eastern: 1022
Number of instances in Western: 325
Number of instances in Southern: 302
Number of instances in Northern: 349

Visually there is not a large difference between regions, however my goal is simply to find out whether or not an effect exists. It is clear that the Eastern region does make up almost 50% of the orders they received during the period of time this data represents. Due to our data being more than two groups, I will need to proceed with a One-Way ANOVA test.

Testing Assumptions (One-Way ANOVA)


fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8,5))

for key, val in quantVSreg.items():       
    sns.distplot(val, label=key, ax=ax)

plt.title('Quantity: by Region')

# Visual check for skew


All of the groups appear to have a similar level of skew and weight in the right tail. There is one item for the Eastern group that hangs pretty far into the tail, I am interested to see whether or not it will fall off after outliers are removed.

for key, val in quantVSreg.items():
    out_dict = fn.find_outliers_Z(val)
    print(f'There are {out_dict.sum()} {key} Z-outliers.')
    #out_dict = fn.find_outliers_IQR(val)
    #print(f'There are {out_dict.sum()} {key} IQR-outliers.')
There are 14 Eastern Z-outliers.
There are 5 Western Z-outliers.
There are 4 Southern Z-outliers.
There are 8 Northern Z-outliers.
# Removing outliers per the Z-score method

for key, val in quantVSreg.items():
    out_dict = fn.find_outliers_Z(val)
    quantVSreg[key] = val[~out_dict]
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8,5))

for key, val in quantVSreg.items():
    sns.distplot(val, label=key, ax=ax)

plt.title('Quantity: by Region sans Outliers')

# 2nd visual check (now without outliers)


My function removed a large bit of the tails, and visually I can see that the Northern/Eastern groups do not skew out as far as the other two groups.


for key, val in quantVSreg.items():
    stat, p = stats.normaltest(val)
    print(f'{key} normal test p-value = {round(p,4)}')
    sig = 'is NOT' if p < .05 else 'IS'
    print(f'The data {sig} normal.')
Eastern normal test p-value = 0.0
The data is NOT normal.
Western normal test p-value = 0.0
The data is NOT normal.
Southern normal test p-value = 0.0
The data is NOT normal.
Northern normal test p-value = 0.0
The data is NOT normal.
for item in df3['RegionDescription'].unique():
    print(f'Number of instances in {item}: {len(quantVSreg[item])}')
Number of instances in Eastern: 1008
Number of instances in Western: 320
Number of instances in Southern: 298
Number of instances in Northern: 341

Not a single group is considered normal. However, due to the groups all having more than 15 instances (by far), I am able to ignore this assumption and test for equal variance.

Equal Variance?

norm_list3 = []

for key, val in quantVSreg.items():
stat, p = stats.levene(*norm_list3)

print(f'Levene test p-value = {round(p,4)}')

sig = 'does NOT' if p < .05 else 'DOES'

print(f'The data {sig} have equal variance.')
Levene test p-value = 0.11
The data DOES have equal variance.

Since the data passed Levene's test, I am able to safely move forward with a standard One-Way ANOVA in order to see if my samples are from different populations and test my hypothesis.

Hypothesis Test

stat, p = stats.f_oneway(*norm_list3)

print(f"One-Way ANOVA p-value = {round(p,4)}")

sig = 'IS' if p < .05 else 'is NOT'

print(f'The data {sig} from different populations.')
One-Way ANOVA p-value = 0.3789
The data is NOT from different populations.

The data does NOT have a p-value low enought to say confidently that it is from different populations. Given the information above, I have failed to reject the Null Hypothesis ($H_0$).

Post-Hoc Calculations

Although I have failed to reject the null, (as with Q2) I want to investigate if inter-regionally, there is have a significant effect upon the average quantity ordered.

model3 = pairwise_tukeyhsd(df3['Quantity'], df3['RegionDescription'])
Multiple Comparison of Means - Tukey HSD,FWER=0.05
group1 group2 meandiff lower upper reject
Eastern Northern -1.0508 -4.1218 2.0202 False
Eastern Southern 0.2852 -2.959 3.5295 False
Eastern Western -0.8925 -4.0468 2.2619 False
Northern Southern 1.336 -2.5569 5.2289 False
Northern Western 0.1583 -3.66 3.9766 False
Southern Western -1.1777 -5.1367 2.7813 False

Q3 Summary

After testing my hypothesis regarding the average quantity ordered per region, I can say to stakeholders that there is not, with 95% confidence, an effect on the average quantity purchased in a given order.

Additionally, I can say that between individual regions, there is no evidence to suggest a significant difference in the average quantity purchased in a given order.

Q4: Does whether the company keeps an item 'in stock' or not have any effect on the total spent on those products? If so, is there an optimal level to reorder?

  • $H_0$: The level at which Northwind re-orders products has no effect on the total amount spent on orders including those items.
  • $H_1$: Whether or not Northwind waits until they are out of stock to reorder has an effect on the total amount spent on orders with those items.

For this test, I will be using a two-tailed test.

Initial Query & Feature Engineering

cur.execute('''SELECT ord.ProductId, ord.Quantity, ord.UnitPrice, 
               ord.Discount, p.ReorderLevel, p.CategoryId, 
               ((ord.Quantity * ord.UnitPrice)*(1 - ord.Discount)) 
               AS TotalSpent
               FROM OrderDetail ord
               JOIN Product p
               ON ord.ProductId = p.Id;''')
df4 = pd.DataFrame(cur.fetchall()) 
df4.columns = [i[0] for i in cur.description]
<style scoped> .dataframe tbody tr th:only-of-type { vertical-align: middle; }
.dataframe tbody tr th {
    vertical-align: top;

.dataframe thead th {
    text-align: right;
ProductId Quantity UnitPrice Discount ReorderLevel CategoryId TotalSpent
0 11 12 14.0 0.0 30 4 168.0
1 42 10 9.8 0.0 0 5 98.0
2 72 5 34.8 0.0 0 4 174.0
3 14 9 18.6 0.0 0 7 167.4
4 51 40 42.4 0.0 10 7 1696.0
df4.ReorderLevel.value_counts() # Quick check of samples 
0     718
15    273
25    256
10    242
30    235
20    235
5     196
Name: ReorderLevel, dtype: int64
df4.CategoryId.value_counts() # Spread check among categories (for later)
1    404
4    366
3    334
8    330
2    216
5    196
6    173
7    136
Name: CategoryId, dtype: int64


Reorder Levels

  • 0 - 30 at five unit intervals (0, 5, 10,...30)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8,5))

sns.barplot(data=df4, x='ReorderLevel', y='TotalSpent', ci=68, ax=ax)

plt.title('Avg. TotalSpent: By ReorderLevel');


# Quick check of differences via swarmplot (like above)

#fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8,5))

sns.catplot(data=df4, x='ReorderLevel', y='TotalSpent', kind='swarm', ci=68)

plt.title('TotalSpent: By ReorderLevel');


totspentVSreord = {}
for item in df4['ReorderLevel'].unique():
    totspentVSreord[item] = df4.groupby('ReorderLevel').get_group(item)['TotalSpent']
# Quick check for correct data transfer

for item in sorted(df4['ReorderLevel'].unique()):
    print(f'Number of instances in {item}: {len(totspentVSreord[item])}')
# We're good!
Number of instances in 0: 718
Number of instances in 5: 196
Number of instances in 10: 242
Number of instances in 15: 273
Number of instances in 20: 235
Number of instances in 25: 256
Number of instances in 30: 235

Visually, I can see that those at a 0 and 15 reorder level tend to stick out with the bar chart. The swarm chart demonstrates why the error bar is so large on the bar chart, the 15 unit reorder level seems to have a wide range of values. I will need to use the One-Way ANOVA test since I will be comparing multiple sample populations.

Testing Assumptions (One-Way ANOVA)


fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8,5))

for key, val in sorted(totspentVSreord.items()):       
    sns.distplot(val, label=key, ax=ax)

plt.title('TotalSpent: by Reorder Level')

# Visual check for skew


The extreme values in one or more of the reorder levels are skewing the distribution strongly. It seems best to remove them to ensure I get closer in the normality test.

for key, val in sorted(totspentVSreord.items()):
    out_dict = fn.find_outliers_Z(val)
    print(f'There are {out_dict.sum()} {key} Z-outliers.')
    #out_dict = fn.find_outliers_IQR(val)
    #print(f'There are {out_dict.sum()} {key} IQR-outliers.')
    #due to the number of categories, no need to check IQR
There are 15 0 Z-outliers.
There are 5 5 Z-outliers.
There are 3 10 Z-outliers.
There are 9 15 Z-outliers.
There are 5 20 Z-outliers.
There are 5 25 Z-outliers.
There are 3 30 Z-outliers.

Surprisingly, the 0 level has the most values outside of the +/- 3 z-score threshold.

# Removing outliers per the Z-score method

for key, val in totspentVSreord.items():
    out_dict = fn.find_outliers_Z(val)
    totspentVSreord[key] = val[~out_dict]
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(9,9))
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(211)
ax2 = fig.add_subplot(212, sharey=ax1)

helper = [0, 5, 10, 15]

for key, val in sorted(totspentVSreord.items()):
    if key in helper:
        sns.distplot(val, label=key, ax=ax1).set_title('Total Spent: by Reorder Level sans Outliers (0-15)')
        sns.distplot(val, label=key, ax=ax2).set_title('Total Spent: by Reorder Level sans Outliers (20-30)')

# 2nd visual check (now without outliers)
No handles with labels found to put in legend.
No handles with labels found to put in legend.
No handles with labels found to put in legend.
No handles with labels found to put in legend.


Visually it appears that there are some similarities between the groups I selected arbitrarily by numeric value. For the unit level of 5, there is a high amount that spikes around zero TotalSpent, while there is a long tail created by 15.

In the second plot, the categories reflect a similar relationship. Two of the categories have a large grouping around zero TotalSpent while the 30 reorder level creates a tail.


for key, val in sorted(totspentVSreord.items()):
    stat, p = stats.normaltest(val)
    print(f'{key} normal test p-value = {round(p,4)}')
    sig = 'is NOT' if p < .05 else 'IS'
    print(f'The data {sig} normal.')
0 normal test p-value = 0.0
The data is NOT normal.
5 normal test p-value = 0.0
The data is NOT normal.
10 normal test p-value = 0.0
The data is NOT normal.
15 normal test p-value = 0.0
The data is NOT normal.
20 normal test p-value = 0.0
The data is NOT normal.
25 normal test p-value = 0.0
The data is NOT normal.
30 normal test p-value = 0.0
The data is NOT normal.

My visual observations were confirmed by stats.normaltest(). The data does not appear to be very close to the standard normal, but with the amount of observations in each group we can move forward here regardless of the failures.

# Quick check for sample sizes

for item in sorted(df4['ReorderLevel'].unique()):
    print(f'Number of instances in {item}: {len(totspentVSreord[item])}')
Number of instances in 0: 703
Number of instances in 5: 191
Number of instances in 10: 239
Number of instances in 15: 264
Number of instances in 20: 230
Number of instances in 25: 251
Number of instances in 30: 232

The requirement to proceed testing while failing normality is recommended at 15, so given these amounts, I will proceed.

Equal Variance?

norm_list4 = []

for key, val in sorted(totspentVSreord.items()):
stat, p = stats.levene(*norm_list4)

print(f'Levene test p-value = {round(p,4)}')

sig = 'does NOT' if p < .05 else 'DOES'

print(f'The data {sig} have equal variance.')
Levene test p-value = 0.0
The data does NOT have equal variance.

Hypothesis Test

stat, p = stats.f_oneway(*norm_list4)

print(f"One-Way ANOVA p-value = {round(p,4)}")

sig = 'IS' if p < .05 else 'is NOT'

print(f'The data {sig} from different populations.')
One-Way ANOVA p-value = 0.0
The data IS from different populations.

It turns out, despite failing all of the assumptions, we were able to generate a p-value low enough to Reject the Null Hypothesis ($H_0$).

Post-Hoc Calculations

model4 = pairwise_tukeyhsd(df4['TotalSpent'], df4['ReorderLevel'])
Multiple Comparison of Means - Tukey HSD,FWER=0.05
group1 group2 meandiff lower upper reject
0 5 -477.8568 -703.3779 -252.3357 True
0 10 -316.1781 -524.1813 -108.1749 True
0 15 102.942 -96.0326 301.9165 False
0 20 -428.3497 -638.6571 -218.0423 True
0 25 -378.7012 -582.4062 -174.9963 True
0 30 -223.5092 -433.8166 -13.2018 True
5 10 161.6786 -107.2305 430.5878 False
5 15 580.7987 318.8108 842.7867 True
5 20 49.5071 -221.1884 320.2025 False
5 25 99.1556 -166.4429 364.754 False
5 30 254.3476 -16.3479 525.043 False
10 15 419.1201 172.0507 666.1895 True
10 20 -112.1716 -368.4558 144.1127 False
10 25 -62.5231 -313.4177 188.3715 False
10 30 92.6689 -163.6153 348.9532 False
15 20 -531.2917 -780.304 -282.2793 True
15 25 -481.6432 -725.105 -238.1814 True
15 30 -326.4512 -575.4635 -77.4388 True
20 25 49.6485 -203.1597 302.4567 False
20 30 204.8405 -53.3174 462.9984 False
25 30 155.192 -97.6162 408.0002 False

Significant results:

  • 0 reorder level was shown to be different from all levels except 15
  • 15 reorder level was shown to be different from all other levels
  • No other reorder level proved to be different from each other

Given this knowledge I will look a bit further into these two areas and see if there is anything worthwhile.

Q4 Summary

Given we know that there is an actual difference in the total revenue generated by products at the 15 unit threshold and those that are not reordered until stock is out (0), we can then look to how and why the data could be this way.

For example, the reason that those products at the 'sold out' threshold may be items ordered less often, in smaller batches, but have a higher average price. Similarly, those items at the 15 unit threshold may be this company's 'staple' products and thus are required to be on hand in a moderate capacity. This information alone can help inform the stakeholders on how to structure their reorder process to reduce waste.

Q5: Does the sales representative making the deal have a significant effect on the amount of product ordered? How about total spent?

  • $H_0$: The sales person brokering the deal does not have a significant effect on the amount of product in an order nor the total spent.
  • $H_1$: The sales person brokering the deal does have a significant effect on the amount of product in an order nor the total spent.

For this test, I will be using a two-tailed test.

Initial Query & Feature Engineering

cur.execute('''SELECT od.UnitPrice, od.Quantity, od.Discount,
               ((od.Quantity * od.UnitPrice)*(1 - od.Discount))
               AS TotalSpent, e.Id AS EmployeeId, e.LastName, e.FirstName, e.Title
               FROM OrderDetail od
               JOIN 'Order' o
               ON o.Id = od.OrderId
               JOIN Employee e
               ON o.EmployeeId = e.Id;''')
df5 = pd.DataFrame(cur.fetchall()) 
df5.columns = [i[0] for i in cur.description]
<style scoped> .dataframe tbody tr th:only-of-type { vertical-align: middle; }
.dataframe tbody tr th {
    vertical-align: top;

.dataframe thead th {
    text-align: right;
UnitPrice Quantity Discount TotalSpent EmployeeId LastName FirstName Title
0 14.0 12 0.0 168.0 5 Buchanan Steven Sales Manager
1 9.8 10 0.0 98.0 5 Buchanan Steven Sales Manager
2 34.8 5 0.0 174.0 5 Buchanan Steven Sales Manager
3 18.6 9 0.0 167.4 6 Suyama Michael Sales Representative
4 42.4 40 0.0 1696.0 6 Suyama Michael Sales Representative
(2155, 8)


fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8,5))

sns.barplot(data=df5, x='EmployeeId', y='Quantity', ci=68, ax=ax)

plt.title('Avg. Quantity: By Salesperson');


sns.catplot(data=df5, x='EmployeeId', y='Quantity', kind='swarm', ci=68)

plt.title('Avg. Quantity: By Salesperson');


There appears to be some differences, albeit slight, for each employee in regards to quanity sold per order. The swarmplot shows what looks to be a fairly even distribution between each of the employees. The error bars in the barplot indicate that these differences may be 'give-or-take' around the same level.

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8,5))

sns.barplot(data=df5, x='EmployeeId', y='TotalSpent', ci=68, ax=ax)

plt.title('Avg. TotalSpent: By Salesperson');


sns.catplot(data=df5, x='EmployeeId', y='TotalSpent', kind='swarm', ci=68)

plt.title('Avg. TotalSpent: By Salesperson');


Visually speaking, the TotalSpent category show a lot more variation on the barplot between employees. The swarmplot however, tells a story that appears to indicate not much of a difference between the individual employees.

quantVSemp = {}
for item in df5['EmployeeId'].unique():
    quantVSemp[item] = df5.groupby('EmployeeId').get_group(item)['Quantity']
for item in sorted(df5['EmployeeId'].unique()):
    print(f'Number of instances in {item}: {len(quantVSemp[item])}')
Number of instances in 1: 345
Number of instances in 2: 241
Number of instances in 3: 321
Number of instances in 4: 420
Number of instances in 5: 117
Number of instances in 6: 168
Number of instances in 7: 176
Number of instances in 8: 260
Number of instances in 9: 107

totspentVSemp = {}
for item in df5['EmployeeId'].unique():
    totspentVSemp[item] = df5.groupby('EmployeeId').get_group(item)['TotalSpent']
for item in sorted(df5['EmployeeId'].unique()):
    print(f'Number of instances in {item}: {len(totspentVSemp[item])}')
Number of instances in 1: 345
Number of instances in 2: 241
Number of instances in 3: 321
Number of instances in 4: 420
Number of instances in 5: 117
Number of instances in 6: 168
Number of instances in 7: 176
Number of instances in 8: 260
Number of instances in 9: 107

Simply put, I will need to use a One-Way ANOVA test. This is due to the fact I have nine different employees (categories) that I will need to evaluate against each other.

Testing Assumptions (One-Way ANOVA)


fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8,5))

for key, val in sorted(quantVSemp.items()):       
    sns.distplot(val, label=key, ax=ax)

plt.title('Quantity: by Salesperson')

# Check for overall skew of all data


It appears that this data is fairly normal, I do not expect too many outliers to be pulled from the right tail.

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8,5))

for key, val in sorted(totspentVSemp.items()):       
    sns.distplot(val, label=key, ax=ax)

plt.title('TotalSpent: by Salesperson')


This set appears to be way more skewed than the quantity data. I expect our outlier remove to cut a decent bit off of the right-side tail.

for key, val in sorted(quantVSemp.items()):
    out_dict = fn.find_outliers_Z(val)
    print(f'There are {out_dict.sum()} Z-outliers (quantity) for employee #{key}.')
    #out_dict = fn.find_outliers_IQR(val)
    #print(f'There are {out_dict.sum()} {key} IQR-outliers.')
There are 4 Z-outliers (quantity) for employee #1.
There are 4 Z-outliers (quantity) for employee #2.
There are 7 Z-outliers (quantity) for employee #3.
There are 5 Z-outliers (quantity) for employee #4.
There are 3 Z-outliers (quantity) for employee #5.
There are 2 Z-outliers (quantity) for employee #6.
There are 5 Z-outliers (quantity) for employee #7.
There are 6 Z-outliers (quantity) for employee #8.
There are 2 Z-outliers (quantity) for employee #9.
for key, val in sorted(totspentVSemp.items()):
    out_dict = fn.find_outliers_Z(val)
    print(f'There are {out_dict.sum()} Z-outliers (total spent) for employee #{key}.')
    #out_dict = fn.find_outliers_IQR(val)
    #print(f'There are {out_dict.sum()} {key} IQR-outliers.')
There are 4 Z-outliers (total spent) for employee #1.
There are 5 Z-outliers (total spent) for employee #2.
There are 4 Z-outliers (total spent) for employee #3.
There are 7 Z-outliers (total spent) for employee #4.
There are 3 Z-outliers (total spent) for employee #5.
There are 3 Z-outliers (total spent) for employee #6.
There are 5 Z-outliers (total spent) for employee #7.
There are 5 Z-outliers (total spent) for employee #8.
There are 2 Z-outliers (total spent) for employee #9.

I am surprised to see that the TotalSpent data had about the amount of outliers despite what the distplots show of it. Perhaps there are only a few data points dragging it out that far. I am interested to see what the data looks like after removal.

# Z-score method removal 

for key, val in quantVSemp.items():
    out_dict = fn.find_outliers_Z(val)
    quantVSemp[key] = val[~out_dict]
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(9,9))
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(211)
ax2 = fig.add_subplot(212, sharey=ax1)

helper2 = [1, 2, 3, 4]

for key, val in sorted(quantVSemp.items()):
    if key in helper2:
        sns.distplot(val, label=key, ax=ax1).set_title('Quantity: by Salesperson sans Outliers (1-5)')
        sns.distplot(val, label=key, ax=ax2).set_title('Quantity: by Salesperson sans Outliers (6-9)')
No handles with labels found to put in legend.
No handles with labels found to put in legend.
No handles with labels found to put in legend.
No handles with labels found to put in legend.


Looking at these graphs, it appears that employees 5, 6, and 8 have a higher percentage of their orders being quantities less than 20. Otherwise both groups seem to be about the same.

for key, val in totspentVSemp.items():
    out_dict = fn.find_outliers_Z(val)
    totspentVSemp[key] = val[~out_dict]
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(9,9))
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(211)
ax2 = fig.add_subplot(212, sharey=ax1)

helper2 = [1, 2, 3, 4]

for key, val in sorted(totspentVSemp.items()):
    if key in helper2:
        sns.distplot(val, label=key, ax=ax1).set_title('TotalSpent: by Salesperson sans Outliers (1-5)')
        sns.distplot(val, label=key, ax=ax2).set_title('TotalSpent: by Salesperson sans Outliers (6-9)')
No handles with labels found to put in legend.
No handles with labels found to put in legend.
No handles with labels found to put in legend.
No handles with labels found to put in legend.


Visually, these two groups appear to be quite similar. The second group just has a bit longer of a right-tail due to a few instances.


for key, val in sorted(quantVSemp.items()):
    stat, p = stats.normaltest(val)
    print(f'Employee #{key} normal test p-value = {round(p,4)}')
    sig = 'is NOT' if p < .05 else 'IS'
    print(f'The data {sig} normal.')
Employee #1 normal test p-value = 0.0
The data is NOT normal.
Employee #2 normal test p-value = 0.0
The data is NOT normal.
Employee #3 normal test p-value = 0.0
The data is NOT normal.
Employee #4 normal test p-value = 0.0
The data is NOT normal.
Employee #5 normal test p-value = 0.0
The data is NOT normal.
Employee #6 normal test p-value = 0.0
The data is NOT normal.
Employee #7 normal test p-value = 0.0
The data is NOT normal.
Employee #8 normal test p-value = 0.0
The data is NOT normal.
Employee #9 normal test p-value = 0.0115
The data is NOT normal.

Although it Employee #9 had a p-value slightly smaller than our alpha, all groups have been determined to be non-normal. I will double-check that we have large enough sample sizes to move forward.

for item in sorted(df5['EmployeeId'].unique()):
    print(f'Number of instances in Employee #{item}: {len(quantVSemp[item])}')
Number of instances in Employee #1: 341
Number of instances in Employee #2: 237
Number of instances in Employee #3: 314
Number of instances in Employee #4: 415
Number of instances in Employee #5: 114
Number of instances in Employee #6: 166
Number of instances in Employee #7: 171
Number of instances in Employee #8: 254
Number of instances in Employee #9: 105
for key, val in sorted(totspentVSemp.items()):
    stat, p = stats.normaltest(val)
    print(f'Employee #{key} normal test p-value = {round(p,4)}')
    sig = 'is NOT' if p < .05 else 'IS'
    print(f'The data {sig} normal.')
Employee #1 normal test p-value = 0.0
The data is NOT normal.
Employee #2 normal test p-value = 0.0
The data is NOT normal.
Employee #3 normal test p-value = 0.0
The data is NOT normal.
Employee #4 normal test p-value = 0.0
The data is NOT normal.
Employee #5 normal test p-value = 0.0
The data is NOT normal.
Employee #6 normal test p-value = 0.0
The data is NOT normal.
Employee #7 normal test p-value = 0.0
The data is NOT normal.
Employee #8 normal test p-value = 0.0
The data is NOT normal.
Employee #9 normal test p-value = 0.0
The data is NOT normal.

All of the groups are non-normal. I need to check the sample size.

for item in sorted(df5['EmployeeId'].unique()):
    print(f'Number of instances in Employee #{item}: {len(totspentVSemp[item])}')
Number of instances in Employee #1: 341
Number of instances in Employee #2: 236
Number of instances in Employee #3: 317
Number of instances in Employee #4: 413
Number of instances in Employee #5: 114
Number of instances in Employee #6: 165
Number of instances in Employee #7: 171
Number of instances in Employee #8: 255
Number of instances in Employee #9: 105

Both the Quantity and TotalSpent data have enough in the groups to ignore the assumption of normality for our ANOVA.

Equal Variance?

norm_list5 = []

for key, val in sorted(quantVSemp.items()):
stat, p = stats.levene(*norm_list5)

print(f'Levene test p-value = {round(p,4)}')

sig = 'does NOT' if p < .05 else 'DOES'

print(f'The data {sig} have equal variance.')
Levene test p-value = 0.0939
The data DOES have equal variance.

norm_list6 = []

for key, val in sorted(totspentVSemp.items()):
stat, p = stats.levene(*norm_list6)

print(f'Levene test p-value = {round(p,4)}')

sig = 'does NOT' if p < .05 else 'DOES'

print(f'The data {sig} have equal variance.')
Levene test p-value = 0.0143
The data does NOT have equal variance.

Surprisingly, the data subsets concerning quantity does have equal variance while the other does not. I will need to do a Tukey's test on the total spent due to it failing the Levene's test.

Hypothesis Test

stat, p = stats.f_oneway(*norm_list5)

print(f"One-Way ANOVA p-value = {round(p,4)}")

sig = 'IS' if p < .05 else 'is NOT'

print(f'The data {sig} from different populations.')
One-Way ANOVA p-value = 0.1783
The data is NOT from different populations.

The One-Way ANOVA indicates that I have failed to reject the Null Hypothesis ($H_0$). There is not enough evidence to say that any given employee has an effect upon the quantity sold in an order.

stat, p = stats.f_oneway(*norm_list6)

print(f"One-Way ANOVA p-value = {round(p,4)}")

sig = 'IS' if p < .05 else 'is NOT'

print(f'The data {sig} from different populations.')
One-Way ANOVA p-value = 0.0262
The data IS from different populations.

In the case of the total amount spent on an order, the One-Way ANOVA allows me to reject the Null Hypothesis ($H_0$). The data does in fact suggest a statistical difference between employees when is comes to the total bill.

Post-Hoc Calculations

model5 = pairwise_tukeyhsd(df5['Quantity'], df5['EmployeeId'])
Multiple Comparison of Means - Tukey HSD,FWER=0.05
group1 group2 meandiff lower upper reject
1 2 2.481 -2.4718 7.4338 False
1 3 1.8176 -2.7574 6.3926 False
1 4 0.6851 -3.6015 4.9717 False
1 5 3.3052 -3.0063 9.6168 False
1 6 -1.6494 -7.1997 3.9008 False
1 7 3.7997 -1.6651 9.2645 False
1 8 0.0988 -4.7462 4.9439 False
1 9 2.3098 -4.2183 8.8379 False
2 3 -0.6634 -5.6918 4.3649 False
2 4 -1.7959 -6.5634 2.9715 False
2 5 0.8242 -5.8233 7.4717 False
2 6 -4.1304 -10.0599 1.799 False
2 7 1.3187 -4.5308 7.1682 False
2 8 -2.3822 -7.6574 2.8931 False
2 9 -0.1712 -7.0246 6.6822 False
3 4 -1.1325 -5.5062 3.2412 False
3 5 1.4877 -4.8834 7.8587 False
3 6 -3.467 -9.0848 2.1508 False
3 7 1.9821 -3.5512 7.5155 False
3 8 -1.7188 -6.641 3.2035 False
3 9 0.4922 -6.0934 7.0778 False
4 5 2.6201 -3.547 8.7873 False
4 6 -2.3345 -7.72 3.051 False
4 7 3.1146 -2.1828 8.412 False
4 8 -0.5863 -5.2417 4.0692 False
4 9 1.6247 -4.7639 8.0133 False
5 6 -4.9547 -12.0585 2.1492 False
5 7 0.4945 -6.5428 7.5317 False
5 8 -3.2064 -9.774 3.3612 False
5 9 -0.9954 -8.8869 6.896 False
6 7 5.4491 -0.9142 11.8125 False
6 8 1.7483 -4.0916 7.5881 False
6 9 3.9592 -3.3377 11.2561 False
7 8 -3.7009 -9.4595 2.0577 False
7 9 -1.4899 -8.722 5.7422 False
8 9 2.211 -4.565 8.987 False

There are no groups that show significantly different.

model6 = pairwise_tukeyhsd(df5['TotalSpent'], df5['EmployeeId'])
Multiple Comparison of Means - Tukey HSD,FWER=0.05
group1 group2 meandiff lower upper reject
1 2 134.1944 -117.9953 386.3841 False
1 3 74.9821 -157.9727 307.9368 False
1 4 -2.3316 -220.6011 215.9379 False
1 5 31.1346 -290.2426 352.5118 False
1 6 -116.8745 -399.4868 165.7378 False
1 7 150.9404 -127.3188 429.1996 False
1 8 -68.9018 -315.6068 177.8032 False
1 9 165.6717 -166.7309 498.0742 False
2 3 -59.2123 -315.2499 196.8252 False
2 4 -136.526 -379.2787 106.2267 False
2 5 -103.0598 -441.5426 235.423 False
2 6 -251.0689 -552.9911 50.8533 False
2 7 16.746 -281.1054 314.5975 False
2 8 -203.0962 -471.705 65.5126 False
2 9 31.4773 -317.4909 380.4454 False
3 4 -77.3137 -300.0179 145.3906 False
3 5 -43.8475 -368.253 280.558 False
3 6 -191.8566 -477.9078 94.1946 False
3 7 75.9584 -205.7929 357.7096 False
3 8 -143.8839 -394.521 106.7533 False
3 9 90.6896 -244.6417 426.0208 False
4 5 33.4662 -280.5602 347.4926 False
4 6 -114.5429 -388.7672 159.6814 False
4 7 153.272 -116.4638 423.0079 False
4 8 -66.5702 -303.62 170.4797 False
4 9 168.0033 -157.2977 493.3042 False
5 6 -148.0091 -509.7282 213.71 False
5 7 119.8058 -238.5225 478.1341 False
5 8 -100.0364 -434.4528 234.3801 False
5 9 134.5371 -267.2868 536.361 False
6 7 267.815 -56.1998 591.8297 False
6 8 47.9727 -249.3836 345.329 False
6 9 282.5462 -89.0031 654.0954 False
7 8 -219.8422 -513.0644 73.3799 False
7 9 14.7312 -353.5178 382.9802 False
8 9 234.5735 -110.4519 579.5988 False

Despite getting a significant result with the One-Way ANOVA, the Tukey's test was unable to detect any significance between any groups within the dataset.

Q5 Summary

The first part of my hypothesis, although promising, failed to produce significant results. Alone this result shows that currently all of the sales team is moving a consistent amount of product and on average do not out perform one another.

The second part has yielded interesting results. This leads me to believe that I potentially got a Type I Error for the Total Spent data. I would need more data and/or run more models to verify my results.


Hypothesis Summary

  • Q1: Rejected $H_0$. Discount levels of 5%, 15%, 20%, and 25% were shown to have an effect on the average quantity.

  • Q2: Failed to reject $H_0$. There was not enough evidence to suggest discounting has an effect on the total amount spent on an order. This is also true amongst each of the discount levels.

  • Q3: Failed to reject $H_0$. The data was unable to demonstrate that the region a product was sold in has an effect on the quantity of product in an order. This is also true between each of the regions.

  • Q4: Rejected $H_0$. The data indicated that products they waited until sold out to reorder and/or when 15 units were left showed a difference in the total amount spent on orders they were included in.

  • Q5:

    • Quantity: Failed to reject $H_0$. The statistical test was unable to confirm that the employee involved in a given sale has any significant effect on the amount of product purchased.
    • Total Spent: Rejected $H_0$. Our One-Way ANOVA test allowed us to reject the null, while our Tukey's test could not show a specific group to be significantly different than another.