
Python-script to push weather-data from aprs.fi wx-stations into dapnet-rubrics

Primary LanguagePython

aprswx - sending weather messages from aprs.fi to DAPNET

What this is doing

The script aprswx.py fetches wather information from aprs.fi on listed stations in stations.py and sends these into predefined rubrics in DAPNET to be published via POCSAG.


Basic configuration is done in two files:

Configuration of your credentials in credentials.py

Fill the corresponding variables with your information: #!/usr/bin/python

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-




Configuration of the weather-stations in stations.py

The weather-stations are configured by filling the infos into the configuration-array as given in the example. Here is the meaning of:

  • callsign: Callsign of the station in aprs.fi
  • qth: Location of the station
  • rubric: Rubric on DAPNET, to which the weather-message should be posted
  • slot: Number of the message-slot (between 1 to 10), on that the message should be placed
  • unit: Measurement scale for temperature: c means Celsius, f means Fahrenheit

Installation in crontab

To run the script periodically, it would be recommended to place it within your users crontab with crontab -e. Here you could use following line:

*/20 * * * * cd /path/to/aprswx.py && ./aprswx.py > /dev/null

This would send out the weather-messages 3 time an hour on 0, 20 and 40 minutes.


Credits goes to the DAPNET-team (see https://hampager.de), which provides a wonderful POCSAG-Network on amateur radio.

Also credits are going to aprs.fi for providing the wx-data via it's API.


This software is for usage on amateur radio only! 73 de Kim DG9VH