
Sonarr + Premiumize Stack ready to go

Primary LanguagePHP


Connects Sonarr & Jacket with Premiumize.me. Downlaods everything over the cloud. The files while not be downloaded to your local computer. Sonarr is already preconfigured to start downloading via Torrent. If you have Private trackers you can easly add them following the provided examples.


docker docker-compose rclone


Download the repository

Not a good docker image so you have to download the whole repo to get started.

Docker-Compose Image

Most of the settings in the docker-compose can be left untouched. Only the one which should be edited are commented

version: "3.7"
    image: linuxserver/sonarr:preview
    container_name: sonarr
      - PUID=1000
      - PGID=1000
      - TZ=Europe/Zurich #Your Timezone
      - UMASK_SET=022 #optional
      - ./config_sonarr:/config
      - ./blackhole:/blackhole
      - ./rclone:/blackhole_watch
      - 8989
    restart: unless-stopped
    image: linuxserver/jackett
    container_name: jackett
      - PUID=1000
      - PGID=1000
      - TZ=Europe/Zurich #Your Timezone
      - RUN_OPTS=<run options here> #optional
      - ./config_jackett:/config
      - ./blackhole:/downloads
      - 9117
    restart: unless-stopped
    image: premiumizephp:1.0
    container_name: premiumizephp
      - API_KEY= #Premiumize API-KEY
      - DOWNLOAD_FOLDER= #Id of your download folder see below for explanation
      - ./blackhole:/drophere
      - ./rclone:/watch_folder
      image: nginx:latest
          - "" # Port on which Sonarr/Jackett
          - ./premiumizephp:/code
          - ./nginx.conf:/etc/nginx/nginx.conf

Folder IDS

For this config to work you have to create 3 Folders at the root of your premiumize cloud. The required folders have to be named sonarr, sonarr_download, radarr. In the Folder named sonarr you're sorted library will be kept. While in the Folder sonarr_download pending Downloads from Radarr and Sonarr will reside before they are imported.

After creating the sonarr_download Folder you have to add the ID of the Folder to your dockercompose settings file. You can get the id by looking at the url you're currently in after entering the folder. E.x https://www.premiumize.me/files?folder_id=WrjIfPb096CUEc6nrsdfs In this URL your ID would be WrjIfPb096CUEc6nrsdfs


Next you have to mount premiumize via rclone, for this to work you either need a gui or another computer that has rclone installed.

rclone config

Just follow the steps on the screen and make sure to name your connection "premiumize"

Run IT

Mount Rclone

You already configured Rclone in the step above now all you have to do is mount the Folder so that it gets readable for sonarr. First ensure that a folder called rclone exists in the Root Folder of Repository. Create it if it does not .

Next you can mount it. Just run the command down belowe after going to the root folder of the Project with your Terminal. Linux/MacOS

nohup rclone mount premiumize:/ rclone --allow-other --allow-non-empty --dir-cache-time=2m --cache-chunk-size=10M --cache-info-age=168h --cache-workers=5 --attr-timeout=1s --syslog --rc --cache-tmp-wait-time 30m --log-level INFO &> rclone.log < /dev/null &


rclone mount premiumize:/ rclone --allow-other --allow-non-empty --dir-cache-time=2m --cache-chunk-size=10M --cache-info-age=168h --cache-workers=5 --attr-timeout=1s --syslog --rc --cache-tmp-wait-time 30m --log-level INFO


Go to the project folder again and run docker-compose up -d This will start the whole service.


You now got Jackett & Sonarr connected to the Premiumize API You should now be able to access the urls belowe.


Additonal Steps

Changing API Keys

You may wan't to change your API Keys for Sonnar & Jackett. You can do both of this Tasks via the Respective UI. If you change the Jackett API Key you have to reconfigure every indexer in Sonarr.

Password Protection

You could always put the whole Application behind a Reverse Proxy to secure the whole thing via htbasic auth. But their is also a passwort Option inside of Jackett & Sonarr. I would prefere the Reverse Proxy, because then you will also be able to get a HTTPS certificate.



All you have to do is to execute git pull and docker-compose pull

But i want to download everything

WIth this setup its also possible to download everything. But its not as convinent as using Premiumizer. Anways if you wan't to do it i would suggest looking into rclone move. Under Linux a simple Cronjob that Downloads everything should be enough. I will also look into it so that a Webhook will trigger a automatic Download.

My whole traffic is gone

Make sure to never change the Setting "Read Only" under Download Clients. Otherwhise Sonarr will download the Whole File everytime it downloads something. But because this fails sometimes with RClone it can happen that Sonarr continues to doing that till you whole traffic is depleted.

Why are ue using Sonarr Preview?

Its pretty stable and basicly everything for a final release is done. It also has a design that is not completly terible on mobile devices.