Shutdown Amazon SageMaker Canvas on a Schedule


Run this CDK template to automatically shutdown Amazon SageMaker Canvas apps. You can choose whether to shutdown every day at 8PM or on Fridays at 8PM. Default behaviour: Friday at 8PM.

Steps to deploy - AWS CDK

  1. clone this repository
  2. python3 -m virtualenv .venv
  3. source .venv/bin/activate
  4. pip install -r requirements.txt
  5. cdk deploy
  6. Enjoy!

Steps to deploy - AWS CloudFormation

  1. Download the template.yaml file
  2. Go to the AWS CloudFormation page to launch a new stack - click here
  3. Create a new stack with new resources
  4. Providing the template downloaded, and complete the parameters required - name the stack ScheduledCanvasShutdown
  5. Enjoy!

Steps to cleanup

Either execute cdk destroy from within this folder, or head over to the AWS CloudFormation stacks page, and delete the ScheduledCanvasShutdown stack.