
All my 42cursus projects

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Here you can find my 42Cursus' projects. It can be modifications over time to implement, fix errors or just to improve the code.



Name Description Score
Libft This project is about coding a C library dgallo-p's 42 Libft Score
printf Recode printf function from stdio.h to avoid the use of ft_putnbt() and ft_putstr() dgallo-p's 42 ft_printf Score
Get_next_line This project is about programming a function that returns a line read from a file descriptor dgallo-p's 42 get_next_line Score
Born2beroot A System Administration related project dgallo-p's 42 Born2beroot Score
pipex A project that recreates the use of pipex as < infile command | command > outfile dgallo-p's 42 pipex Score
push_swap Order numbers in ascending order dgallo-p's 42 push_swap Score


Name Description