ALX System Engineering DevOps

This repository contains various module of System engineering and Devops, carried out during my Software Engineering studies at ALX

Table of Contents

Project name Description
  • Learn about basic commands
  • How to navigate file system
  • Manipulate files
  • How to use options and arguments with commands
  • 0x01-Shell_Permisions
  • Learn about file permissions
  • Linux file permissions
  • How to represnt each of the three sets of permissions (owner, group and other) as a single digit
  • How to change permissions, owner and group of a file
  • How to run a command with root privileges
  • How to create a user, group
  • Print real and effective user and group IDs
  • 0x02-Shell_Redirections
  • How to redirect standard output to a file
  • Get standard input from a file instead of the keyboard
  • Send the output from one program to the input of another program
  • Combine commands and filters with redirections
  • Concatenates files and print on the standard output
  • Acknowledgements

    All work contained in this repository was completed as part of the curriculum for the ALX-SE programme. ALX Africa is a leading technology training providdr, built to accelerate the careers of young Africans through technology and professional skills that enable them to thrive in the digital economy.

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