
Markov network estimation via pseudo-likelihood

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Markov network estimation via pseudo-likelihood

This project implements parameter estimation for log-linear Markov networks. It supports maximum pseudo-likelihood estimation for continuous, discrete, and hybrid systems.


These models are specified by a set of weighted potentials. Each potential is a non-negative function of one or more variables in the model. In the log-linear formulation, the unnormalized log-probability of a given variable configuration is a weighted linear combination of the values of the potential functions at the candidate configuration. The (convex) learning task is to assign weights to the potential functions.

Maximum likelihood parameter estimation for a log-linear Markov network requires computing a sum over all combinations of variables in the system (first equation below). This quickly becomes intractable as the number of variables grows. Maximum likelihood estimation is especially difficult when working with continuous variables, as these nested sums become multi-dimensional integrals.

Pseudo-likelihood (second equation below) is an approximation of the likelihood function which only requires computing local partition function for each variable, and has been shown to have strong empirical performance. Pseudo-likelihood is much easier to apply to models with continuous variables, as it involves only univariate integrals.

Likelihood equations


Download the repository, and install with:

python setup.py install

Requires numpy.


Import the package and structure your data as a dictionary mapping variable name to a numpy array of samples. Here, I'll generate some toy data.

from plmrf import *
import numpy as np

x = np.random.binomial(1, 0.5, size=100)
x = (x-1) + x # transform to -1/1
y = np.random.normal(loc=x)
data = {"x" : x, "y" : y}

Create a collection of VariableDef objects. For discrete variables, supply the ddomain argument as a list of possible values. For continuous variables, supply an array of samples which will be used to inform numerical integration procedures. The order of variables in this list is unimportant.

variable_defs = [VariableDef("x", ddomain=[-1, 1]),
                 VariableDef("y", samples=y)]

Specify a list of potential functions and the variables participating in them. In this case, I'm using a Gaussian kernels with bandwidth estimated from the data with a rule-of-thumb method. For univariate data, it's necessary need to specify the peak of this kernel. I expect the first potential to be most informative, so it should have a larger weight once the network is fit.

potentials = [GaussianPotential(["x", "y"], samples=data),
              GaussianPotential(["y"], samples=data, location=0)]

Finally, create an instance of LogLinearMarkovNetwork and fit the parameters using the default method of maximum pseudo-likelihood estimation.

network = LogLinearMarkovNetwork(potentials, variable_defs)
result = network.fit(data)
# [ 2.67177328  0.33832092]

Internally, plmrf uses scipy's optimization library, and the result is an instance of scipy.optimize.OptimizeResult. Once fit has been called, the learned parameters are stored internally in the network, and you can perform inference. gibbs_sample takes a dictionary of numpy arrays as an argument and samples the next state for each entry in the array. In this way, you can run multiple Gibbs chains with a single function call. unnormalized_prob returns a term that is proportional to the joint probability, and can be used in MCMC procedures, though plmrf does not include a sampler.

new_data = {"x" : np.array([1, -1]), "y" : np.array([-10, 0])}
# {'y': array([ 0.36314832, -2.45130511]), 'x': array([ 1, -1])}
# [ 1.00056874  4.14611332]

The first sample in new_data is highly unlikely given the generative process, and has a smaller probability density as a result.

Check out the examples/ folder for other basic usage demos.