
here i created a food store web app named food Recipe helps the customer to find good food in cheap rates and genuine foods

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Screenshot from 2023-06-26 00-09-02

Food Recipe 🎍

Food store website that helps the customer to find good recipe in cheap rate and genuine products!!

👨‍🍳 About 👩‍🍳

Food Recipe is a future ready talent project designed and developed by Anup Kumar Jha. As the saying goes, "Good food is the foundation of genuine happiness " and Food Recipe is the best platform for all the food lovers. We offer an exceptional dining experience that combines delectable cuisine, warm ambiance, and exceptional service.













Azure link: https://delightful-beach-00b073d10.1.azurestaticapps.net/ azure


  • Updates the customer about everyday's special offer.
  • Provides facility to order online food.

Technology Stack 💻

The technologies used are:


Contribution Guidelines ✍️

We welcome contributions from the open-source community to make Food-Recipe website more better. Please follow the following steps to contribute:

✏️ Star the Repo: Start by giving our repository a 🌟 to show your support to our project.

✏️ Find or Create an Issue: Browse the existing issues or create a new one if you have a suggestion or find a bug and wait until it is assigned to you.

✏️ Fork the Repo: Fork the Food-Recipe repository to your GitHub account (Click the button in the top right of this page).

✏️ Clone the Repo: Clone the forked repository to your local machine .

git clone https://github.com/github_username/food-recipes-website.git

Note: Replace github_username with your actual GitHub username.

✏️ Change the present working directory:

cd food-recipes-website

✏️ Create a New Branch: Create a new branch in your forked repository to work on your changes.

git checkout -b branch_name

✏️ Make your contribution: Make necessary changes as per the issue assigned to you.

✏️ Commit and push the changes: Stage your changes and commit and finally push them to your forked repository.

git add .
git commit -m 'Your message'
git push origin branch_name

✏️ Open a Pull Request: Open a pull request from your branch to the main Food-Recipe repository. Provide a clear description of the changes you've made. Add screenshots or videos to your Pull Request to help us understand the effects of the changes proposed in your PR.

✏️ Review and Merge: Wait for your PR review and approval from the maintainers. Once approved, it will be merged into the main repository.

GSSOC'23 Issue TimeLine

  • Once an issue is assigned,the assignee is expected to submit a pr for review withing a week of the assignment.

  • If the assignee fails to comply with the deadline, the issue will be assigned to the next person who had who had requested to be assigned.

GSSOC'23 Pointer System

Level 1 - Documentation/Minor bug fix

Points - 10

  • Contributors can update existing documentation, write new documentation for features or code and improve the overall organisation and clarity of the projects documentation.

  • Minor bug fixes refer to fixing small isolated issues in the codebase.

  • Fixing issues such as typos, brokel links, or minor performance problems.

  • Bug fixes are an important part of maintaining stability of and reliability of of an open-source project and every bug fix, no matter how small, contributes to the overall health of the project.

Level 2 - Enhancement of existing features

Points - 25

  • Feature or enhancement contributions refer to adding new functionality to an open source project.

  • Contributors can add new features, improve existing features, or add new functionality to existing features.

Level 3 - Refactoring/ Adding functionalities

Points - 45

  • Core contributions, such as implementing major features or refactoring significant parts of the codebase. This needs a deep understanding of the codebase and its patterns.

We appreciate your contributions!! Happy Coding!! 🤍

Repo Status 🌟

Our Contributors ✨

Thank you to all the amazing contributors who have made this project possible!! 💗

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