A reimplementation of the hi-rail Gmund Mog from andythenorth's HEQS, re-coded in NML for OpenTTD.
Hi-Rail Vehicles is authored by Daniel Gealow, aka Droideka30, as a clone of the Gmund Mog Hi-Rail Truck from HEQS. It is released under the GNU General Public License v3 or later, which can be found at https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html
HEQS was authored by andythenorth, the makefile by Ingo von Borstel (aka planetmaker) and released under the GNU General Public license v2 or later.
No warranty is provided. Without limitation, the creators of the set cannot be held responsible for any consequences arising from download or use of the set or accompanying files. Not suitable for use in ways that violate good taste. Heavy pixels may fall and cause injury. Do not lick pixels!
The source code can be obtained from github at https://github.com/dgealow/hirail_mog