
📖 Literate Go Programming 🤓

Primary LanguageGo

Literate Go Build Status GoDoc Go Report Card

The tool lit generates clean and readable documents from a commented go source code. Instead of embedding source code into your prose, write your prose within your source code. The main goal of this tool is to help writing technical articles discussing or presenting programs implementation. The approach is in some way the opposite of Markdown and other format focused on making it as easy as possible to write text, instead lit assumes that the main content of the document is the actual code, and let you use the best tools and context (i.e: your editor) to write your program, and use source code comments as your prose.

Install the command line tool with go get github.com/dgellow/lit/cmd/lit.

Usage is minimalistic:

$ lit -help
Usage of lit:
        if used, generate embeddable HTML instead of full document
  -input string
        input file (default "stdin")

# Example
$ lit -input github.com/dgellow/lit/lit.go > doc.html

source and result