
This is a storage place and show-off repository for the accumulated utilities I'ver written over time to accommodate common tasks in Unix and Cygwin.

The tasks are organized according to what is generally unix-usable, what is specific to Cygwin, and what is specific to work (most or all of which likely will not make it up here).

TL;DR on Mac

The very basics:

  • /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
  • brew install git bash
  • add /usr/local/bin/bash to /etc/shells
  • chsh /usr/local/bin/bash
  • start new terminal
  • ssh-keygen and add resulting public key to github, jenkins, anywhere else
  • git clone ~/code/login-utils
  • ln -sv ~/code/login-utils/bashrc.d ~/bashrc.d
  • ln -sv ~/code/login-utils/global-gitignore ~/.gitignore
  • git config --global include.path ~/code/login-utils/git-aliases
  • mkdir -p ~/bin ~/.ssh
  • echo source ~/code/login-utils/bashrc >>~/.bash_profile && source ~/.bash_profile

For long-term / optional stuff:

  • ls ~/code/login-utils/bin and symlink any of interest into ~/bin
  • echo export GITHUB_API_TOKEN=[your token here] >> ~/.bash_profile
  • create .ssh/config including
Host gh
  User git

Good things to brew install:

  • coreutils
  • findutils
  • less
  • lesspipe
  • ack -- also ln -sv ~/code/login-utils/ackrc ~/.ackrc
  • vim -- also:
    • git clone gh:VundleVim/Vundle.vim.git ~/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim
    • echo source ~/code/login-utils/vimrc >> ~/.vimrc
    • `vim +PluginInstall
  • jq aka sed for json -- also ln -sv ~/code/login-utils/custom.jq
  • python (a few executables depend on it)
  • python@2 if any of your projects use python2 (mac's python2 is Too Old)
  • graphviz -- see also bin/dot-pipe for a nice vim integration
  • bash-completion (bash completions for brew commands)
  • httpie
  • thefuck
  • ssh-copy-id
  • pstree
  • ascii


All code is copyright John Passaro 2017 and released under the GPL. See LICENSE.