Smart Brain API

Express application build around Clarifai API


npm install npm run start:dev - start server

run table.sql to create tables

Environment variables that need to be setup

NODE_ENV=development - if you are going to use .env file DATABASE_URL=<dbengine>://<username>:<password>@<host>:<port>/<schema/db> CLARIFAI_API_KEY=<api key>



{ "email" : <email> "password" : <password> }

Encrypts password and compares hash to hash stored in database


{ "name": <full name>, "email": <email>, "password": <password> }

Creates a new user that can sign in. Password is encrypted and the hash stored in the database


Get user info by id


{ "imageUrl": "" }

Get highlighted regions of detected faces

Database Schema

Users id serial name varchar email text entries bigint joined bigint

Login id serial hash email