
Billing Service

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

Aplatanao Billing

Build Status

More a development template than a usable billing application.

Demonstration of a model driven and process based development on an actual Java stack.



Adapt the connection.properties configuration for an existing PostgreSQL database.

Or use a local dockerized PostgreSQL

# docker run --rm --name billing-postgres -p 5432:5432 -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres -e POSTGRES_DB=billing postgres:9


All database changes are managed with Flyway migrations.

Retrieve the actual migration meta data from the configured database with the Flyway Maven Plugin

$ mvn -P migration initialize flyway:info

Migrate the database to the latest version.

$ mvn -P migration initialize flyway:migrate


Build the whole project with all Maven modules.

$ mvn clean install

Start the service with the Spring Boot Maven Plugin

$ cd service && mvn spring-boot:run

Useful development tools


Change your database and record the necessary statements in Flyway SQL Migrations

$ ls -al migrations/src/main/resources/db/migration/
-rw-r--r-- 1 dgf dgf   77 ago  4 12:59 V1__Create_extensions_and_schema.sql
-rw-r--r-- 1 dgf dgf  549 ago  4 12:59 V2__Create_invoice_table.sql

Adapt your changes with the Flyway Maven Plugin

$ cd migrations && mvn clean initialize flyway:migrate


Generate JPA entity classes for the actual connected database with the Hibernate Tools Maven Plugin

$ cd persistence && mvn clean verify


Adapt the OpenAPI 2.0 definition specification/api.yaml

Generate the JAX-RS interfaces and POJOs with the Swagger Codegen Maven Plugin

$ cd specification && mvn clean verify

Data type mappings

Common name OpenAPI 2.0 JAX-RS 2.1 JPA 2.1 PostgreSQL 9.4 Restrictions
integer integer > int32 j.l.Integer short smallint 2 bytes: -32768 to +32767
integer integer > int32 j.l.Integer j.l.Integer integer 4 bytes: -2147483648 to +2147483647
long integer > int64 j.l.Long j.l.Long bigint 8 bytes: -9223372036854775808 to +9223372036854775807
string string j.l.String j.l.String varchar(n) n characters
UUID string j.l.String j.u.UUID uuid 16 bytes
date string > date j.t.LocalDate j.t.LocalDate date 4713 BC to 5874897 AD
date time string > date-time j.t.OffsetDateTime j.t.OffsetDateTime timestamp 4713 BC 294276 AD 1 microsecond / 14 digits

Typical Failures

build it with an invalid database connection

Event: A call of Maven results in the following error:

$ mvn clean install
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.hibernate:hibernate-tools-maven-plugin:5.3.4.Final:hbm2java
(Entity generation) on project persistence: Execution Entity generation of goal
org.hibernate:hibernate-tools-maven-plugin:5.3.4.Final:hbm2java failed:
Unable to create requested service [org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.env.spi.JdbcEnvironment]:
Error calling Driver#connect: Connection to localhost:5432 refused.
Check that the hostname and port are correct and that the postmaster is accepting TCP/IP connections.
Connection refused (Connection refused) -> [Help 1]

Solution: check the connection parameters and the access to your database from the machine the service should run on.


  • re-add custom revengStrategy parameter for the Hibernate Codegen configuration, see hibernate/hibernate-tools#1017
  • support Java long value literal restrictions for the @Min and @Max annotations in Swagger Codegen
  • support referenced type definitions in Swagger Codegen to reuse common restrictions like year and code