Portfolio of David Figueroa (Boa Apps)

Personal portfolio of work done:

  • Signage/Jacidi: Maintenance and updating of private applications for Android and Google TV. The apps are aimed at hotel and gym chains to show content from their own platform.

  • Muvin/BCR/AISA: Maintenance and technological, architectural and modular migration of a platform for agricultural logistics management for pigs, cereals and fertilizers.

  • Ncuenta/NaranjaX: Evolutionary maintenance of module for Onboarding, Biometrics and Signup in Kotlin app with compose. It was migrated from a virtual wallet to a fintech complying with the requirements of the BCRA. The team focuses on identity validation (KYC), request, upload and data normalization (AML) of the users of the financial company that owns the credit card brand. Download Google Play

  • Genesis Mobile: Evolutionary maintenance of Kotlin app with MVVM, Koin, CLEAN (segmented by feature). He focuses on the cash and merchandise management of a well-known global security and flow transfer company.

  • Dynamic: Coming soon poc in Kotlin, compose, material3 for system design and use of BFF, SDUI.

  • DemoScan: POC on barcode and QR scan libraries. Zxing, Quickie and Scandit implementation. Coming soon incorporation of GmsBarcodeScanning, Vision, TensorFlow.

  • Inmoclick2: Java anti-pattern app migration to Kotlin, MVVM, Koin, SOLID, CLEAN.

  • Watchman: adjustment in tracking app for private security.

  • Wtswrng: adjustment in health app that generates presumptive diagnosis.

  • Librology: Social network for book club.

  • Fixed: app to survey addresses for digital services customers.

  • Creatuaplicacion: app generator app settings based on configurable templates. Download Google Play

  • Audioguía oficial de Granada: app settings for tourist information of the city of Granada, Spain. Download Google Play

  • Peep: mobile encyclopedia settings. Download Google Play

  • Padel Manager: SDK sports social network annex. Download Google Play

  • Plan Américas: connect people through a prepaid card service to buy balance and talk via voIP. Download Google Play

  • Khub: proof of concept for technical evaluation. Download Google Play. Repository in GitHub

  • Inmoclick: the best way to find your next home. Sale. Sale; Rental; Temporary rent; Barter. Sale, Rent, Temporary Rental, Exchange. Google Play

  • Salto Inicial: all the basketball of Mendoza in one place, results instantly notes and interviews. Google Play

  • FotoSprint: mobile catalog of products to buy and print photos from the cell phone. Download Google Play

  • WeChain: virtual rewards platform for projects that contribute to social changes. Repository in GitHub

  • MeCubro: platform for contracting and managing insurance for merchandise transport and personal accidents.

  • Woman: platform to accompany women with executive projection in gender issues in the workplace.

  • TraslatorChat: alpha of chats for writing / reading in different languages at the same time.

  • Chapi: Alpha of social network of chats by groups.

  • Crypto: bitcoins mobile wallet alpha.

  • AjustAR: Alpha of tool for local businesses.

  • Cabbo: social network and navigation of boat users.

  • Conectate: small social network to gather companies, professionals, government and stakeholders on Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency. App and Api.

  • Infratrack: services for mobile app that traffic agents use to carry out manual traffic violations in Lanús and Ezeiza. AWS Lambda for printing notifications and citations for traffic infractions.

  • CoberMed: beta to connect affiliates with social work.

  • Ethic Compass: internal use of companies to control conflicts of interest, making complaints, surveys, private messaging, publicizing the company's policies.

  • BPN: search promotions, branches, cashiers and homebanking.

  • BK: internal system for the management of applications for final bonds for capital goods benefits.

  • BA Agentes: mobile system of traffic infractions management for the Government of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Argentina.

  • Paradas de Colectivos: mobile system for surveying public transport stops in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Argentina.

  • BA Móvil: app to view the status of the transit, flights and get driving directions within Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Argentina.

  • XRPSalesWork: mobile catalog of products, customer management and orders. It allows to indicate routes to sellers and visits, to manage collections.

  • Tarjeta Nevada: migration from PHP 5 to 7, Codeigniter 2 to 3 and laravel 4 to 5. The project consists of three existing sites: a public one, a secure one and a content management panel.

  • SMN: app for climate visualization and forecasting with information provided by the National Meteorological Service of Argentina.

  • Sage: app to conduct customer satisfaction interviews.

  • Vloom: app and mass messaging platform through sms and push notifications.

  • Goody: app and social network to connect sportsmen.

  • mendobytes: beta portal for e-commerce of computer inputs for local commerce.

  • FácilMúsica: private app for inventory management.

  • AdecoAgro: private app for access control to rural fields.

  • El Sol Online: web journal.

  • 4coronas: private apps for managing guests to special events.

  • RentAtablet: private apps for managing guests to special events.

  • FriendBall: football social network.

  • ASEGH: private app for hospital management.

  • SGRRHH: HR management portal of the company and associated service stations of RedMercosur.

  • SGDOC: internal documentation management portal.

  • SGOP: internal incident management portal.

  • DNI: private time control portal.

  • PCG: internal system for management of interventions and facilities, control management and budgets for Pan American Energy LLC.

  • Comproaccesorios: beta portal for accessories e-commerce for Ford Meschini dealership.

  • ERP: customized for Dil Brands.

  • Empretur: package tour management.

  • IVD: API for inventory management.

  • Presenter: portal to make presentations of publicity.

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