

Primary LanguageHTML

从bootstrap 3 中cdn建立 的子模板 1、修改模板名及各个文件中和THEMENAME有关的变量 2、在模板中删除使用cdn选项,墙内有时使用cdn会出问题 3、用bootstrap library 中的本地库替换

CDN Starterkit

The CDN Starterkit is rather simple to set up. You don't have to do anything until you wish to override the default Drupal Bootstrap base theme settings or provide additional custom CSS.


Read the @link subtheme Sub-theming @endlink parent topic.

Override Styles {#styles}

Open ./THEMENAME/css/style.css and modify the file to your liking.

Override Settings {#settings}

Please refer to the @link theme_settings Sub-theme Settings @endlink topic.

Override Templates and Theme Functions {#registry}

Please refer to the @link registry Theme Registry @endlink topic.