
And Ansible role to setup postfix as send only and configure an SMTP relay

MIT LicenseMIT


An Ansible role to install Postfix and configure as send-only via an SMTP relay.

Codacy grade GitHub Workflow Status GitHub tag (latest by date) MIT License


This role is designed to be used on a server that will only send emails and not receive them. This is useful for recieving emails from cron jobs or other services/applications that want to send emails from a server.


A SMTP relay service is required.

Your email provider may offer a SMTP relay service. If not, there are several popular SMTP relays that offer free tiers (others are also available).

Service Free Tier Email Limit Docs
Mailjet 6000 per month, 200 per day link
Sendgrid 3000 per month, 100 per day link

Supported Distros

  • AlmaLinux >= 8
  • AmazonLinux 2023
  • CentOS >= 7
  • Debian >= 10
  • Fedora >= 37
  • openSUSE >= 15.4
  • OracleLinux >= 8
  • Pop!_OS >= 18.04
  • Redhat Enterprise Linux >= 8
  • Rocky Linux >= 8
  • Ubuntu >= 18.04

Role Variables

# Config path for postfix
postfix_config_file: "/etc/postfix/main.cf"

# The domain that is used to send emails.

# The domain that is used to send emails if no domain is specified. This is usually the same as mydomain or myhostname
postfix_myorigin: "$mydomain"

# mydestination controls a list of domains that postfix considers itself the final destination for.
## When aliases are set, postfix needs to "proccess" the email to then forward it on using /etc/aliases.
## example: root -> postfix -> root@example.com - > aliases -> fobar@outlook.com -> relayhost -> foobar@outlook.com
postfix_mydestination: "$myhostname, localhost.$mydomain, localhost, $mydomain"
## When aliases are not required localhost only entry will forward on all emails without any "processing" from postfix.
## example: root -> postfix -> root@example.com -> relayhost -> root@example.com
# postfix_mydestination: "localhost"

# interfaces that can send emails - loopback-only allowes only localhost to send.
postfix_inet_interfaces: "loopback-only"

# The relay host of SMTP server.

# Username for SMTP server.
# Password for SMTP server.

# The domain that the mail command will use.
postfix_mail_send_domain: "{{ postfix_mydomain }}"

# Email address alias that will recieve all emails sent to the servers root user.

# Email address to recieve test email when role is run.



Example Playbook

- name: Linux Admin Packages
  hosts: all
    postfix_mydomain: "example.com"
    postfix_relayhost: "[in-v3.mailjet.com]:587"
    postfix_sasl_username: "username"
    postfix_sasl_password: "password"
    postfix_root_alias: "foobar@outlook.com"
    - role: "dgibbs64.postfix_send_only_relay"



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