
A simple program to collect Rancher Projects annotations.

Primary LanguageGo


A Rancher Projects collector. rancher-scriba is meant to be ran on downstream clusters. It connects to the Rancher Upstream API and will gather clusterID, projectID, and the annotations of each Rancher Project. The collected information will be stored in rancher-data ConfigMap in the kube-system namespace of the downstream cluster. The ConfigMap can then be consumed by a Policy Engine.


The following preparation is required for rancher-scriba:

  • rancher-scriba requires permission for CRUD operations of ConfigMap objects in the kube-system namespace. For this, the sa_role_bindings.yaml file has been provided.
  • An API Bearer Token needs to be created for rancher-scriba. Input this value into the secrets.sh file.
  • The Rancher API endpoint to that rancher-scriba needs to connect to in to format https://RANCHER_FQDN>/v3. Please not the /v3. Input this value into the secrets.sh file.
  • Adjust the collection interval (default 5 minutes) in rancher-cronjob.yaml


This instructions assume that your kubeconfig context is set to the downstream cluster that will host rancher-scriba.

  • While in the root of the repository, create rancher-api-secrets by running sh secrets.sh.
  • Create the role, role binding and service account with kubectl apply -f sa_role_bindings.yaml.
  • Create rancher-scriba cronjob in the kube-system namespace by running kubectl -n kube-system apply -f rancher-cronjob.yaml.

If all actions are succesful, rancher-scriba will create a ConfigMap in the downstream cluster.