
Flask extension for HashFS, a content-addressable file management system

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Flask extension for HashFS, a content-addressable file management system.

What is HashFS?

HashFS is a content-addressable file management system. What does that mean? Simply, that HashFS manages a directory where files are saved based on the file's hash.

Typical use cases for this kind of system are ones where:

  • Files are written once and never change (e.g. image storage).
  • It's desirable to have no duplicate files (e.g. user uploads).
  • File metadata is stored elsewhere (e.g. in a database).

What is Flask-HashFS?

Flask-HashFS is a Flask extension that integrates HashFS into the Flask ecosystem.


Install using pip:

pip install Flask-HashFS


from flask import Flask
from flask_hashfs import FlaskHashFS

app = Flask(__name__)
fs = FlaskHashFS()

Configure Flask-HashFS to store files in /var/www/data/uploads and give them a route prefix at /uploads.

    'HASHFS_HOST': None,
    'HASHFS_PATH_PREFIX': '/uploads',
    'HASHFS_ROOT_FOLDER': '/var/www/data/uploads',
    'HASHFS_DEPTH': 4,
    'HASHFS_WIDTH': 1,
    'HASHFS_ALGORITHM': 'sha256'



Use Flask-HashFS to manage files using HashFS.

with app.app_context():
    # Store readable objects or file paths
    address = fs.put(io_obj, extension='.jpg')

    # Get a file's hash address
    assert fs.get(address.id) == address
    assert fs.get(address.relpath) == address
    assert fs.get(address.abspath) == address
    assert fs.get('invalid') is None

    # Get a BufferedReader handler
    fileio = fs.open(address.id)

    # Or using the full path...
    fileio = fs.open(address.abspath)

    # Or using a path relative to fs.root
    fileio = fs.open(address.relpath)

    # Delete a file by address ID or path

For direct access to the HashFS instance, use the client attribute.

assert isinstance(fs.client, flask_hashfs.HashFS)

Generate URLs for HashFS content.

with app.test_request_context():

For more details, please see the full documentation at http://flask-hashfs.readthedocs.org and http://hashfs.readthedocs.org.