
Primary LanguageJavaScript


Python-style string formatting in Javascript.


With npm do:

npm install js-pyformat


pyformat(format, ...args)

Interpolate the string format similarly to Python's str.format.

The pyformat function closely replicates much (all?) of Python's str.format() handling for numbers, and adds strftime-style formatting for dates.


var pf = require('js-pyformat');

// Python-style string interpolation:
pf('{} x {} = {}', 2, 3, 6)  // "2 x 3 = 6"
pf('{greeting}, {name}', {greeting: "Hello", name: "Duncan"})  // "Hello, Duncan"

// Numeric formatting - add thousand separator commas:
pf('{:,}', 1000000) // "1,000,000"

// Numeric formatting - decimal precision:
pf('{:.3f}', 3.1415926) // "3.142"
pf('{:.3f}', 100) // "100.000"

// Date formatting (using strftime time format strings):
pf('{:%B %d, %Y}', new Date(2015, 11, 25)) // "December 25, 2015"
pf('{:%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S}', new Date(2015, 11, 25))  // "2015-12-25T00:00:00"

Custom Formatter Extensions

The API exposes is composed of multiple type-specific formatters along with a default formatter. Customized pyformat functions can be created via the makeFormatter(options) function.

The options provided to makeFormatter should be an object consisting of dateFormatter, numberFormatter, or stringFormatter as functions to, respectively, format either date, number, or string values. Each of these functions will be invoked with the inner format string (i.e., the "X" within "{:X}") as the first argument and the value to format as the second argument.

An additional function for handling values which are neither dates nor numbers nor strings can be provided as defaultFormatter and should have a similar call signature to the other formatters.

Custom formatter example - boolean formatting.

var pf = require('js-pyformat');

// Returns the quarter (1-4) the date falls in.
var boolFormatter = function(trueOrFalse) {
  return trueOrFalse ? "Yes" : "No";

var pfWithBooleanFormatting = pf.makeFormatter({
  defaultFormatter: function(format, value) {
    if (typeof value === 'boolean') {
      return boolFormatter(value);
    // Fallback on the builtin default formatter for non-booleans.
    return pf.pyformat.defaultFormatter(format, value);

pfWithBooleanFormatting("true -> {}, false -> {}", true, false)
// "true -> Yes, false -> "No"

Custom formatter example - date formatting with quarters

var pf = require('js-pyformat');

// Returns the quarter (1-4) the date falls in.
var getQuarter = function(date) {
  return 1 + Math.floor(date.getMonth() / 3);

// Customized Date formatter; same as builtin strftime formatter, but also accepts
// "%q" to specify the quarter.
var myDateFormatter = function(format, date) {
  // NOTE: uses strftime() utility function exposed by pyformat.
  return pf.strftime(format, date, void(0), {"q": getQuarter});

// Create customized formatter whose date formatting includes quarters ("q").
var newPf = pf.makeFormatter({
  dateFormatter: myDateFormatter

newPf("{:Q%q, %Y}", new Date(2015, 5, 1)) // "Q2, 2015"