Notatio Antiqua -------------------------- Licensed under GPLv3, LGPLv2 (hyphen) and UFLv1.0 (Ubuntu Font) INSTALLING BINARY ----------------- On Mac OS X (Apple Silicon), just drag the NotatioAntiqua icon on your application folder COMPILING FROM SOURCE --------------------- Prerequisites: - cmake > 3.2 - build tools (Xcode, MinGW, gcc, ninja) - Qt 6.7 or higher Compiling: The easiest way is to open CMakeFiles.txt as project in Qt Creator. Also, a .pro-file is provided. cmake is used for building (with ninja) Please note: the psalm tone assistant is still under development, as is the help system. Any questions, tips and complaints can be sent by mail to Thank you for testing! (c) 2009-2024 DGSOFTWARE
Open Source GUI for typesetting gregorian chant with gregorio and LuaLaTeX