
Loads currency rates from a reliable source and creates, uploads a JSON representation to S3, and pushes the file to the currency-file github repo.

The S3 file is published to The github file is hosted at


$ git clone
$ cd currency-file-generator
$ npm install


$ npm run test

AWS Lambda Config

  • src/currencyRatesFileGen.js - File
  • currencyRatesFilesGen.handler - Handler

To install in AWS Lambda

  1. Get the login/password from someone who has it
  2. Update lambda function prebidCurrencyRatesFileAlerter from src/prebidCurrencyRatesFileAlerter.js
  3. To update the prebidCurrencyRatesFileGenerator lambda:
    1. clone the git repo and make/test your changes locally
    2. copy src/currencyRatesFileGen.js src/ajax.js src/shell.js to the top level of your local repo dir
    3. the test node_modules aren't needed, so rm -rf node_modules and npm install --production
    4. zip -r currencyRatesFileGen.js ajax.js shell.js serverless.yml node_modules
    5. aws s3 cp s3://currency-generation-code
    6. go to the AWS lambda UI and upload
    7. in Basic settings make sure that Handler is set to currencyRatesFileGen.downloadPublish
    8. in AWS lambda UI add a corresponding layer that provides git support from (arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:553035198032:layer:git-lambda2:7 as of now)
    9. make sure the environment variables are set correctly
    10. remove currencyRatesFileGen.js, ajax.js, and shell.js from the top level of your local repo dir

Note that you'll want to raise the timeout to 1.5 minutes.