Building-wise Regression Ensemble for Electricity Usage Prediction Competition

Top 2% in Private Leaderboard and Silver prize in EDA notebook competition field.

1. Methodology

1.1. Summary of EDA

According to Exploratory Data Analysis, which you can check in my notebook file in this repository, Each 60 buildings have distinguishing behavior of electricity consumption pattern.

Therefore, I determined to apply seperate feature engineering and train seperate model for each 60 buildings.

Also, I conducted K-means clustering on electricity usage pattern of each buildings. I assigned cluster from 0 to 3, which buildings in the same cluster share similar electricity usage pattern. I applied same feature engineering to buildings within same cluster. Below is the result of clustering.

1.2. Model Ensembling Strategy

I initially computed 8 fold CV score of five models CatBoostRegressor LGBMRegressor SVR ElasticNet LassoLars for each 60 buildings. (CV score of 5 models for each 60 buildings, as a total, 300 CV scores).

However, according to CV scores, some models perform well on certain buildings but not on other buildings. Below is the visualization of CV scores.

Therefore, I implemented function for selecting 'good models for each building' based on CV score.

def good_models(score_df, pivot_q, threshold):
    score_pivot = pd.DataFrame(score_df.pivot('building', 'model', 'smape').values,
                               columns = ['cat','enet','lassolars','lgb', 'svr'])
    li = []
    for i in range(len(score_pivot)):
        temp = score_pivot.iloc[i]
        q = temp.quantile(pivot_q)
        best = list(temp[temp <= threshold*q].index)
    return li

By using good_models function with parameter pivot_q = 0.3 and threshold = 1.1, I selected models for ensemble in each building.

2. Data

Download csv files in this link and save it as train.csv, test.csv, submission.csv at ../data/.

3. Training

command python

Models will be trained and saved in ../model/.

4. Evaluation