
utilities for managing suggested dependencies in R packages

Primary LanguageRGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0


Feature-Enhanced Packages

Fearless feature enhanced packages. Give clearer messaging about features, seamlessly integrate fallback code and clean up your suggests control-flow.

What's so hard about suggested packages?

Suggests dependencies are packages that are not strictly required for a package to function. They can be used to give more context for a package, such as in examples, vignettes and testing - behaviors outside of package use. However, Suggests serve a dual purpose of enhancing package behaviors at runtime. This is the use case that this package aims to improve.

Let's first take a look at an example in base R from the R manual, explaining how a suggested package might enable a new feature:

if (requireNamespace("rgl", quietly = TRUE)) {
} else {
  ## do something else not involving rgl.

So far so good. If the package is able to be loaded it's used, otherwise we have some code to fall back to. But this code has its issues - in the order of increasing severity, it:

  • is tedious to constantly re-write this boilerplate.
  • forces divergent package logic.
  • will quietly fail to use advanced features without any indication to the user.
  • does not consider version constraints specified in the DESCRIPTION file.

Of course these can all be addressed in code, but it's not exactly trivial.

Feature Overview

Importing Suggested Package Namespaces

Importing a suggested package creates a placeholder that can be used just like a package namespace.

cli <- suggests::import(cli)
survey_question <- function() {
  cli::cli_h1("What sort of R user are you?")
  menu(c("tidy", "base", "both"))

The first time the cli "namespace" is accessed, suggests will work in the background to ensure the version that can be loaded will satisfy your version constraints in your package's DESCRIPTION. If it isn't satisfied, your users will automatically get an informative message:

Error: Suggested package 'cli' is required for this functionality, but
dependency version requirement is not met. Version 3.5.0 is installed, but must
be >=3.6.0.


Use suggests::capabilities("create") to automatically create a suggests package object that shares the package's name in your package environment.

suggests::import(cli)  # creates "namespace" cli

Simple Alternatives

Maybe you don't want to gate this feature off entirely from your users, you just want it to look prettier for the folks that already have cli installed.

For one-off cases, you can use the %?s% operator, which is a shorthand for "if suggests package is available, else". It works like a tryCatch() specifically for errors arising from failing to load suggested packages.

#' @import suggests

cli <- suggests::import(cli)
survey_question <- function() {
  msg <- "What sort of R user are you?"
  cli::cli_h1(msg) %?s% cat(msg, "\n")
  menu(c("tidy", "base", "both"))

Package-wide Alternatives

If you only use a handful of functions from a suggested package, and you could reasonably provide simpler versions of those behaviors yourself, then you might consider defining package-wide fallbacks when those functions are unavailable.

cli <- suggests::import(cli)

suggests::fallback(cli::cli_h1, function(text, ...) {
  cat(text, "\n")  

survey_question <- function() {
  cli::cli_h1("What sort of R user are you?")
  menu(c("tidy", "base", "both"))

Now, even though cli might not be available, when the suggested cli namespace is accessed, it will automatically fall back to using the provided function.

Seamless Features

👷 Under Construction 👷

None of these features work! They're aspirational for now.

If you categorize your Suggests packages into features, suggests can discover them and provide a more user-friendly interface for handling feature- enhancing suggests packages.

    cli (>= 100.0.0),
    cli (<= 100.0.1),

Further details can be provided in inst/FEATURES

Feature: cli
Title: Enhanced Command Line Interface (CLI)
    Provides a prettier and more colorful command line interface when used
    interactively in a terminal session.

Feature: graphics
Title: Data Visualizations and other Graphical Outputs

Or generated using roxygen2

#' @feature cli
#' Enhanced Command Line Interface (CLI)
#' Provides a prettier and more colorful command line interface when used
#' interactively in a terminal session.
#' @feature graphics
#' Data Visualizations and other Graphical Outputs

Prompt Feature-Enhancing Suggests Installation on Install

When installed interactively, users are provided with information regarding packages they might consider installing to enable additional package features.

#> Package `pkg` provides optional features which require additional
#> dependencies:
#>   1. Enhanced Command Line Interface (CLI):
#>         cli (>= 1.0.0)
#> Would you like to install suggested dependencies? 
#> (y/N/comma-separated feature numbers)

Exploring Available Features

Even if suggested packages aren't installed from the start, users can easily explore package features to get a report about what other features might be available.

#> Enhanced Command Line Interface (CLI)
#>     x  cli (>= 1.0.0)

Generating Feature Documentation

features                  package:pkg                   R Documentation

pkg Features




    Reports package features and the status of dependencies required for each.


    Enhanced Command Line Interface (CLI):

        Provides a prettier and more colorful command line interface when used
        interactively in a terminal session.


            cli (>= 1.0.0)