
Set of python scripts to access hidden SMS, photos, Calendar, address book, Facebook of unencrypted iTunes backups

Primary LanguagePython

Python menu to program to extract iPhone data from unencrypted iTunes backups. What can you spy?	
Call logs, SMS Messages, Contacts, Email, Calendar,	
Pictures,	Web	History, Google	Maps,	GPS	Tracking	
Info,	Passwords, Facebook	data

iTunes  backups	of	the	iPhone	are	stored	in	the	following	directories:	
Windows	XP:		C:\Documents	and	Settings\(username)\Application	Data\Apple	Computer\MobileSync\Backup\	
Windows	Vista:	C:\Users\(username)\AppData\Roaming\Apple	Computer\MobileSync\Backup\	
Mac	OS	X:	/Users/(username)/Library/Application	Support/MobileSync/Backup/

Contents  OS	Real filename	Backup filename	Type
SMS / Text messages	1-4	sms.db	3d0d7e5fb2ce288813306e4d4636395e047a3d28	SQLite 3
Contacts / address book	1	AddressBook.sqlitedb	adb8c77534444e97c31ff15924d50f3ed1fbd3b1	SQLite 3
Contacts / address book	2-4	AddressBook.sqlitedb	31bb7ba8914766d4ba40d6dfb6113c8b614be442	SQLite 3
Calendar	1	Calendar.sqlitedb	14ee8cdc3e6e0220399ff210246e1c92b7df89a0	SQLite 3
Calendar	2-4	Calendar.sqlitedb	2041457d5fe04d39d0ab481178355df6781e6858	SQLite 3
Notes	1-3	notes.db	740b7eaf93d6ea5d305e88bb349c8e9643f48c3b	SQLite 3
Notes	4	notes.sqlite	ca3bc056d4da0bbf88b5fb3be254f3b7147e639c	SQLite 3
Call history	1	call_history.db	a49bfab36504be1bf563c1d1813b05efd6076717	SQLite 3
Call history	2-3	call_history.db	ff1324e6b949111b2fb449ecddb50c89c3699a78	SQLite 3
Call history	4	call_history.db	2b2b0084a1bc3a5ac8c27afdf14afb42c61a19ca	SQLite 3
Locations	4	consolidated.db	4096c9ec676f2847dc283405900e284a7c815836	SQLite 3
Facebook Data	4	friends.db	6639cb6a02f32e0203851f25465ffb89ca8ae3fa	SQLite 3

plist files  Content
com.apple.accountsettings.plist	Email accounts configured on Apple Mail application
Directions.plist	Directions to remote locations
History.plist	Log of searched locations
com.apple.Maps.plist	Last viewed latitude and longitude
com.apple.mobilephone.speeddial.plist	Speed dial contacts saved in the Favorites list
com.apple.mobilephone.plist	Last phone numbers dialed
Bookmarks.plist	Bookmarked URLs
History.plist	Browsing history
Cookies.plist	Information about cookies
com.apple.preferences.datetime.plist	Local Date and time zone
com.apple.network.identification.plist	Wireless network settings
com.apple.wifi.plist com.apple.preferences.network.plist	Status of wifi and Bluetooth networks
com.apple.MobileBluetooth.devices.plist com.apple.MobileBluetooth.services.plist	Log of Bluetooth devices paired with the iPhone
History of Bluetooth pairings
com.apple.commcenter.plist	ICCID and IMSI unique identifiers
Info.plist	Device information including device name, unique identifier, phone number, serial number, etc.

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either
version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library.  
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