
Primary LanguageOCamlMIT LicenseMIT


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An immutable interval map data structure implemented as an interval tree. Based on jgblight/im_interval_tree.

Interval maps are great for finding intervals and their associated values which overlap a given interval. This interval map supports intervals with excluded, included, and unbounded bound ends. Multiple values may be associated with the same interval.


opam install interval-map


let module Ivl_map = Interval_map.Make (Int) in
let module Ivl = Ivl_map.Interval in
(* Build the map *)
let map =
  |> Ivl_map.add (Ivl.create (Included 0) (Excluded 10)) "foo"
  |> Ivl_map.add (Ivl.create (Included 0) (Excluded 10)) "foo2"
  |> Ivl_map.add (Ivl.create (Excluded 0) (Included 10)) "bar"
  |> Ivl_map.add (Ivl.create (Included 5) (Included 10)) "baz"
  |> Ivl_map.add (Ivl.create (Excluded 4) (Excluded 10)) "oof"
  |> Ivl_map.add (Ivl.create Unbounded (Excluded 4)) "zab"

(* Query the map *)
let query = Ivl.create Unbounded (Included 4) in
Ivl_map.query_interval query map
|> Ivl_map.Query_results.to_list
(* Results:
  [({Ivl_map.Interval.low = Ivl_map.Bound.Unbounded; high = Ivl_map.Bound.Excluded 4},
    ({Ivl_map.Interval.low = Ivl_map.Bound.Included 0; high = Ivl_map.Bound.Excluded 10},
    ["foo2", "foo"]);
    ({Ivl_map.Interval.low = Ivl_map.Bound.Excluded 0; high = Ivl_map.Bound.Included 10},