Event Scoring is an app that attempts to satisfy the requirements in this gist
I'm attempting to show off basic implementations for various libs in the elixir ecosystem such as:
- GenStage - queue up webhook events for consumer(s) to then process
- Registry - allows for dynamic process creation so each "user" (event spawner) can hold their score in their own process
- Channels - basic websocket pushing for live updating clients when webhook events are recieved
- Get a temporary access token from github here (that way you can avoid putting your real password anywhere in the config)
- start up some sort of local tunnel or something so that you can give github a working URL for their callback trigger to send POST requests to. I recommend using ngrok
- create a
- this is where you'll store your temporary api token from github:
# dev.secret.exs
config :event_scoring, github_api_token: "this should be your access token"
- configure your dev env with your callback url (this is what will be passed to github to tell them where to POST back events)
config :event_scoring, callback_url_base: "https://a6214288.ngrok.io" # make this your callback url
- compile your dependencies and start it up....you should now be able to hit
and enter your account and a repo you own to create a webhook...then go do stuff to that repo (I suggest maybe making a test repo so you aren't blasting people who follow your real repo's with trash updates) if everything is setup properly you'll get live updates as to what's going on