
Quick Start training hands-on labs using the Micro 3.0.0 C++ API

Primary LanguageC++

Lab 1. Out Of The Box

  • Create an IDL file, then generate code
    • $ $RTIMEHOME/rtiddsgen/scripts/rtiddsgen -micro -language C++ -namespace -create typefiles -create examplefiles -create makefiles
  • In the publisher code, give the sample some values, just so they are not empty
  • Build the example code
    • $ $RTIMEHOME/resource/scripts/rtime-make --config Release --build --name x64Darwin17clang9.0 --target Darwin --source-dir . -G "Unix Makefiles" --delete

Lab 2. Deadline QoS

  • Adjust the DR QoS to add a .5s deadline (don't change DW yet)
  • Discuss why this does not work (QoS mismatch)
  • Fix the DW QoS and rerun, showing that data now flows
  • Note that we are actually not sending within the deadline period... add listener

Lab 3. Reporting A QoS Mismatch in the publisher

  • In the publisher code, add a listener to report on Offered QoS incompatability
  • Set the DW deadline period to be 1.5s to cause a QoS mismatch
    • look up DDS_QosPolicyId_t in the docs and discuss

Lab 4. Load user type into Admin Console

  • set DR and DW deadline periods to 1.5s to eliminate match errors
  • create XML type representation and load into Admin Console
    • $RTIMEHOME/rtiddsgen/scripts/rtiddsgen -convertToXml ./quickstart.idl
  • open the tool and note how all DWs are writing to the same instance
    • but it doesn't work if you aren't using namespaces! (change the type name in quickstartApplication.c)
    • also: increase resource limiations in the same file

Lab 5. Switch to a keyed type, and define topic name in IDL

  • modify the IDL to add //@key to the "id" member
  • add a constant for the topic name
  • call rtiddsgen again to impose the change (remember: "update", not "create")
    • $RTIMEHOME/rtiddsgen/scripts/rtiddsgen -micro -language C++ -namespace -update typefiles ./quickstart.idl
  • modify quickstartApplication.cxx to use this constant
  • don't forget to also update the XML type file

Lab 6. Ownership

  • use admin console to view that different instances are being recognized
  • add exclusive ownership and ownership (different students use different strengths. Keyed "id" value should be set to the same )

Lab 7. Waitsets

  • remove or comment out the exclusive ownership code in the pub and sub
  • modify the subscriber code to use a waitset to be notified of data
  • "recycle" the listener callback and call it when the WaitSet returns with data.
  • don't forget to remove the on_data_available listener code


Lab - FlatData

  • create a fresh user project using the flatdata idl
    • $RTIMEHOME/rtiddsgen/scripts/rtiddsgen -micro -language C++ -create typefiles -create examplefiles -create makefiles ./quickstart.idl
    • on the publisher, modify the writer code to get offsets and set sample values
    • on the subscriber, modify the DR listener to get offsets and print a couple sample values

Lab - ZeroCopy

  • create a fresh user project using Image.idl
    • $RTIMEHOME/rtiddsgen/scripts/rtiddsgen -micro -language C++ -create typefiles -create examplefiles -create makefiles ./Image.idl
  • correct the errant double loan in the publisher code (this is MICRO-2079)
  • review the example as generated, pointing out the parts where SHMEM is set up
  • add the FlatData code (this can be "recycled" from the previous lab) to the publisher and subscribercd

Lab - DPSE Discovery

  • create a fresh user project using quickstart.idl
    • $RTIMEHOME/rtiddsgen/scripts/rtiddsgen -micro -language C++ -namespace -create typefiles -create examplefiles -create makefiles ./quickstart.idl
  • update the quickstartApplication.cxx file, replacing dpde entities and variables with dpse
  • update the publisher and subscriber files, discussing the need for the additions
    • don't forget to manually set RTPS object IDs!