
Soccer is fun.

Primary LanguageClojure

Soccer Scoring

Calculates ranks for a soccer league when given a list of game results. See resources/sample-input.txt and resources/expected-output.txt for data formats.


  1. Download and install Java from the web or your system's package manager. This was tested with OpenJDK 11.
  2. Download and install Leiningen (a Clojure build tool) from the web or from your system's package manager.

Run Tests

$ lein test
lein test soccer.core-test

Ran 6 tests containing 14 assertions.
0 failures, 0 errors.


$ lein uberjar
Compiling soccer.core
Created $PATH/target/uberjar/soccer-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
Created $PATH/target/uberjar/soccer-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT-standalone.jar

Note that the "standalone" version is the one that's executable.


Pipe input data from stdin:

$ cat resources/sample-input.txt | java -jar target/uberjar/soccer-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT-standalone.jar

Or specify a filename as a parameter:

$ java -jar target/uberjar/soccer-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT-standalone.jar resources/sample-input.txt

Alternately, use lein to run it without building:

$ lein run < resources/sample-input.txt

Future Improvements

  • Team name parsing is brittle and can only contain A-Z, a-z, 0-9, _, or spaces.
  • Something less powerful and faster than a regex should be used for line parsing.
  • Malformed input is never checked or handled.
  • Tests are minimal due to time pressure.
  • Inline function descriptions should be converted to docstrings.
  • assign-ranks function feels clumsier than it should be; I moved on when it worked because of time.
  • Input/output data format should be documented in the repo.
  • A Dockerfile might be nice so people can avoid installing build tools.
  • Functions/types should have specs added for type checking.
  • If functions/types had specs, we could do generative testing.
  • Performance not tested on large datasets, but should be on the order of O(N log(N)) due to the sort. The map/reduce operations are lazy and linear. The tail recursion is eager and linear.