I've been playing with the Raspberry Pi Pico W to create WiFi connected sensors like the SCD41 (CO₂) and the DHT22 (temperature and humidity).
Each subdirectory in this repository is either a "project" or a submodule/copy-paste of existing open source code.
My workflow is to modify one of the projects, say, dht22/. Then to build
the code I run bin/build dht22
. It defaults to debug mode; for release mode
run bin/build dht22 release
. Then I plug in the Pico via USB in boot select
mode and run bin/install-and-monitor dht22
. That copies the built uf2 file
onto the Pico, which then reboots, and when the USB terminal interface becomes
available we attach to it using GNU Screen.
A lot of what I've done so far is organized into a separate library of Pico-specific C++20 coroutines, picoro.