
Run a local script remotely through SSH

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Utility to run a local script remotely through SSH. Internally uses the node.js SSH implementation SSH2.


npm install -g sshrun
which sshrun # /usr/local/bin/sshrun


$ cat hello.sh
echo "hello world! I'm $(whoami) on $(hostname). args: '$@'"

$ sshrun -i /path/to/key ubuntu@example.com:2222 -- hello.sh
hello world! I'm ubuntu on example.com. args: ''

A SSH password can also be provided instead. Any args after the script name will be passed to the script.

$ sshrun -p my_password other.example.com -- hello.sh --opt=123 -a 123
hello world! I'm ubuntu on example.com. args: '--opt=123 -a 123'

Alternatively, the module can be used directly within node.js.

var sshrun = require('sshrun');

var opts = {
    host: { user: 'ubuntu', host: 'example.com', port: 2222 },
    identity: '/path/to/key'

// optional callback called when the script process starts to run.
opts.progress = function(proc) {

// tell sshrun to not capture any script output in procInfo, for performance
// reasons. Useful to use together with the progress() handler to do any
// custom manipulation to stdout and stderr.
opts.captureOutput = false;

sshrun('/path/to/hello.sh', opts, function(err, procInfo) {
    if (err) throw err;

    // procInfo contains some info and the output of the
    // process which ran the script

    console.log('exit code: ' + procInfo.code);

    // buffered stdout and stderr line by line, unless captureOutput == false

    // stdout and stderr mixed in order, unless captureOutput == false


MIT license - http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php