
Another todo application with the following features:

The data model of a todo item is:

interface Todo {
  id: number;
  title: string;
  completed: boolean;
  dueDate: Date;
  createdAt: Date;

The requirements of the application are

  • Add and remove todo items
  • Search todo’s by title
  • Filter by completed

Instructions repository

Project setup

Create a .env file

Download the dependencies with npm

npm install

Start the JSON server

Before starting the json server copy the contents of db.base.json into db.json

json-server --delay 50 --port 3004 db.json

You can ignore this step if you use InMemory Repository (look .env file)

Run the app in localhost

npm run dev


I decided to just add a few tests to showcase the test framework.

Note: The tests only work for JsonServer Repository

Start the JSON server

json-server --delay 500 --port 3004 db.json

Execute the test command

npm run test

General notes

  • The sorting logic is incorrect because the JsonServer Repository does not support date comparison.
  • State management can be improved by utilizing React context.
  • Currently, the project is deployed using an InMemory Repository. It may be worth considering hosting a dedicated server for the backend instead.